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Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Feb 25, 2024 · 5 revisions


iftoccfrom - check if recipient is listed in To, CC or From field in a message


iftoccfrom [ addr ... ] where addr is an email address


iftoccfrom reads an 822-format message from standard input and exits 0 if $RECIPIENT is listed in a To, Cc, or From field, and exits 100 otherwise. If one or more addr is present, then iftoccfrom ignores $RECIPIENT, and uses each addr instead.

If it encounters a temporary error while reading input, iftoccfrom exits 111.

For example, the .qmail line

| condtomaildir dir iftoccfrom afriend

writes correspondence with afriend to dir.


ifaddr(1), iftocc(1), bouncesaying(1), condredirect(1), condtomaildir(1), dot-qmail(5), filterto(1), except(1), dot-forward(1), fastforward(1), forward(1), printforward(1), setforward(1), preline(1), qmail-command(8), qnotify(1), qreceipt(1), replier(1), rrforward(1),

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