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ldap checkpwd.8

Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 5 revisions


ldap-checkpwd - LDAP checkpassword Interface


ldap-checkpwd prog args


ldap-checkpwd reads descriptor 3 through end of file and then closes descriptor 3. There must be at most 512 bytes of data before end of file.

The information supplied on descriptor 3 is a login name terminated by \0, a password terminated by \0, a timestamp terminated by \0, and possibly more data. There are no other restrictions on the form of the login name, password, and timestamp.


If the password is acceptable, ldap-checkpwd exits 0. If ldap-checkpwd is misused, it may instead exit 2. If there is a temporary problem checking the password, ldap-checkpwd exits 111.

If the password is unacceptable, ldap-checkpwd runs prog. prog consists of one or more arguments.

If the environment variable NATIVE_CHECKPASSWORD is set, ldap-checkpwd will run prog on successful authentication and exit 1 if password is unacceptable.

Environment Variables

ldap-checkpwd requires series of environment variables to run;

Causes debug statements to be printed on file descriptor 1 and error messages on file descriptor 2.

Specify an alternate host on which ldap servier is running.

Specifiy an alternate TCP port where the ldap server is listening.

Use a Distinguished Name to bind to the LDAP directory

Use a password to bind to the LDAP directory

Specify a filter to user in search. Default is (&(uid=%u)(dc=%h))

You can specify '%' followed by the following letters to have specific substitions

%h - This gets substituted by the host component (component after the '@' portion of an email address) %e - This gets substituted by the fully qualified email address %u - This gets substituted by the user (component before the '@' portion of an email address)

You can tell ldap-checkpwd to fetch the value of any ldap field. e.g. setting the environment variable LDAP_FIELD_UID=uidNumber - fetches user's uid LDAP_FIELD_GID=gidNumber - fetches user's gid LDAP_FIELD_HOME=homeDirectory - fetches home directory LDAP_FIELD_PASS=userPassword - fetches user password

Specify a search base as the starting point

Specify the scope of the search to be one of base, one, sub or children to specify a base object, one level, subtree, or children search. The default is sub.

NOTE: children scope requiers LDAPv3 subordinate feature extension.


qmail-smtpd(8), vchkpass(8), pam-checkpwd(8) sys-checkpwd(8), pam-multi(8)

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