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Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Feb 25, 2024 · 6 revisions


svscanboot - start svscan in service directories, with output/error logged through multilog.


svscanboot [ servicedir ]


svscanboot (without any command-line arguments) runs svscan command

svscan /service 2>&1

If svscanboot is given a command-line argument, it startups up svscan for the directory servicedir given on the command line (instead of just svscan /service).

svscanboot uses envdir(8) on servicedir/.svscan/variables to set environment variables and clear all other environment variables.

You can use the following variables

 SCANINTERVAL  - If set, svscan(8) uses this to look for new services every SCANINTERVAL seconds.
 STATUSFILE    - Used by svscan(8)
 INITCMD       - If set, svscan(8) runs this command using /bin/sh, before running supervise(8).
 WAIT_INITCMD  - If set, svscan(8) waits for this INIT_CMD to finish before starting supervise(8)
 SCANLOG       - If set, svscan(8) logs all messages and errors using multilog with instructions
                 in servicedir/.svscan/log/run. If not set, svscanboot(8) pipes stdout, stderr
	             of svscan(8) to readproctitle(8)
 UNSHARE       - If set, svscanboot(8) uses unshare --mount command to run svscan(8)

The recommended old way was to put the following entry in /etc/inittab to invoke svscanboot.

SV:345:respawn:/usr/libexec/indimail/svscanboot <>/dev/console 2<>/dev/console

The current operating systems use systemd(1) replacement for init(1). svcanboot(8) should be invoked by your boot scripts - systemd(1), upstart(1), init(1) or boot rc scripts.


init(1) supervise(8), svc(8), svok(8), svstat(8), svscan(8), svctool(8), envdir(8), readproctitle(8), fghack(8), pgrphack(8), multilog(8), tai64n(8), tai64nlocal(8), setuidgid(8), envuidgid(8), envdir(8), softlimit(8), setlock(8), unshare(1) unshare(2) ps(1)

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