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Michael Tiller edited this page Oct 19, 2013 · 3 revisions

You can do all kinds of things with Sphinx and reStructuredText. So much so, in fact, that it is hard to find the specific features needed for a particular project. This cheatsheet focuses on things needed for this project.

  • Source
.. literalinclude:: /ModelicaByExample/...
   :language: modelica
   :lines: 2-
   :emphasize-lines: 12,15-18

Or inlined for ``keywords`` using double backquotes.
  • Cross Reference Marker
.. _name-to-ref:

Mention :ref:`name-to-ref`
  • Math
.. math:: \dot{x} - (1-x)

which includes the variable :math:`x`.

A very complete summary of available options can be found here.

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