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4.0 changelog

Martin edited this page Jul 22, 2020 · 12 revisions


  • Fixed a bug where the version number was not correctly set for the default user_agent string.


  • Adding missing examples for driver docs #510
  • Explicit explaining the Integer range in the README #520
  • Refactoring the stream observer to use a state machine #515
  • Updated copyright year #519
  • Forward merge reset error improvements #522
  • Stop accepting more messages after a connection is reset #512
  • Improved API documentation #523
  • Added driver.supportsTransactionConfig #528
  • Added new URI schemes bolt+s, bolt+ssc, neo4j+s, neo4j+ssc #534
  • Added various iterables to the Record class: values(), entries(), [Symbol.iterator](). #530


  • Documentation improvements: improved API docs #507 and updated examples #510


  • Improved error message for connect errors to include more hints of possible causes of the error #509


  • Renames reactive result method summary to consume. #499
  • Bookmark is returned as string[]. #499
  • Renamed Statement to Query. #503
  • Fixed a bug where MaxConnectionPoolSize setting is not respected #501, #504


  • Purge old routing table entries on inactivity #490
  • Add supportsMultiDb function #491
  • Define resolver in TS declarations #492
  • Make async API to also pulling records in batches #495
  • Implement map function for Record #494
  • Ensure helpful error when nesting transactions in one session #497
  • Add missing system updates and profile statistics #496
  • Bug fixes: #486


  • Updated driver default configuration to be encrypted: false, and when encryption is explicitly enabled the default trust mode is now TRUST_SYSTEM_CA_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES which relies upon underlying system's certificate trust settings 479,
  • Introduced reactive API which is based on rxjs 475,
  • Updated driver.close() and session.close() to return Promises rather than relying on callbacks 476,
  • Introduced bookmark support for routing discovery so that the bookmarks specified for session creation are used in discovery as well 478,
  • Fix an issue where result summary building was failing when PROFILE statements returned notifications and disableLosslessIntegers is enabled 481,
  • Increased default connection timeout to be 30 seconds 482,
  • Fixed typescript type definitions to export types with typeof operator and added the missing Integer type to the exported types,
  • Upgraded dependencies to the latest versions.


  • Rename db parameter for database selection (used in driver.session calls) to database #471,
  • Remove driver.onError callback #471,
  • Implement multi-database routing so that the driver can manage a routing table per database #471,
  • Remove experimental HTTP driver implementation #472.


  • Export property on result summary. #459,
  • Upgrade dependencies to latest versions, #457,
  • Relax discovery process, #454,
  • Fix an issue where hostname information was lost which is a strict requirement for endpoints that expect SNI (Server Name Indication) #453,
  • Use seed router (passed through any configured custom resolver) on construction for performing initial/fallback discovery #453,
  • Clean-up connections that fails on acquisition #453.


  • Multidatabase support. #450
  • Changed bolt+routing to neo4j. #451
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