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Releases: ocornut/imgui


29 May 20:36
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v1.49 release

Accumulation of various things! Try to stay vaguely up to date!
See for the project homepage.
See for earlier release notes.

Recognition Robotics software with remoteimgui ( )
Scroll down for more user screenshots or see the screenshot threads (#539)


Breaking Changes

  • Renamed SetNextTreeNodeOpened() to SetNextTreeNodeOpen() for consistency, no redirection.
  • Removed confusing set of GetInternalState(), GetInternalStateSize(), SetInternalState() functions. Now using CreateContext(), DestroyContext(), GetCurrentContext(), SetCurrentContext(). If you were using multiple contexts the change should be obvious and trivial.
  • Obsoleted old signature of CollapsingHeader(const char* label, const char* str_id = NULL, bool display_frame = true, bool default_open = false), as extra parameters were badly designed and rarely used. Most uses were using 1 parameter and shouldn't affect you. You can replace the "default_open = true" flag in new API with CollapsingHeader(label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen).
  • Changed ImDrawList::PushClipRect(ImVec4 rect) to ImDraw::PushClipRect(Imvec2 min,ImVec2 max,bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect=false). Note that higher-level ImGui::PushClipRect() is preferable because it will clip at logic/widget level, whereas ImDrawList::PushClipRect() only affect your renderer.
  • Title bar (using ImGuiCol_TitleBg/ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive colors) isn't rendered over a window background (ImGuiCol_WindowBg color) anymore (see #655). If your TitleBg/TitleBgActive alpha was 1.0f or you are using the default theme it will not affect you. However if your TitleBg/TitleBgActive alpha was <1.0f you need to tweak your custom theme to readjust for the fact that we don't draw a WindowBg background behind the title bar.
    This helper function will convert an old TitleBg/TitleBgActive color into a new one with the same visual output, given the OLD color and the OLD WindowBg color. (Or If this is confusing, just pick the RGB value from title bar from an old screenshot and apply this as TitleBg/TitleBgActive. Or you may just create TitleBgActive from a tweaked TitleBg color.)
ImVec4 ConvertTitleBgCol(const ImVec4& win_bg_col, const ImVec4& title_bg_col)
    float new_a = 1.0f - ((1.0f - win_bg_col.w) * (1.0f - title_bg_col.w));
    float k = title_bg_col.w / new_a;
    return ImVec4((win_bg_col.x * win_bg_col.w + title_bg_col.x) * k, (win_bg_col.y * win_bg_col.w + title_bg_col.y) * k, (win_bg_col.z * win_bg_col.w + title_bg_col.z) * k, new_a);

All changes

  • New version of ImGuiListClipper helper calculates item height automatically. See comments and demo code. (#662, #661, #660)
  • Added SetNextWindowSizeConstraints() to enable basic min/max and programmatic size constraints on window. Added demo. (#668)
  • Added PushClipRect()/PopClipRect() (previously part of imgui_internal.h). Changed ImDrawList::PushClipRect() prototype. (#610)
  • Added IsRootWindowOrAnyChildHovered() helper. (#615)
  • Added TreeNodeEx() functions. (#581, #600, #190)
  • Added ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Selected flag to display treenode as "selected". (#581, #190)
  • Added ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_AllowOverlapMode flag. (#600)
  • Added ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoTreePushOnOpen flag (#590).
  • Added ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoAutoOpenOnLog flag (previously private).
  • Added ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen flag (previously private).
  • Added ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick flag.
  • Added ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnArrow flag.
  • Added ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Leaf flag, always opened, no arrow, for convenience. For simple use case prefer using TreeAdvanceToLabelPos()+Text().
  • Added ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Bullet flag, to add a bullet to Leaf node or replace Arrow with a bullet.
  • Added TreeAdvanceToLabelPos(), GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() helpers. (#581, #324)
  • Added CreateContext()/DestroyContext()/GetCurrentContext()/SetCurrentContext(). Obsoleted nearly identical GetInternalState()/SetInternalState() functions. (#586, #269)
  • Added NewLine() to undo a SameLine() and as a shy reminder that horizontal layout support hasn't been implemented yet.
  • Added IsItemClicked() helper. (#581)
  • Added CollapsingHeader() variant with close button. (#600)
  • Fixed MenuBar missing lower border when borders are enabled.
  • InputText(): Fixed clipping of cursor rendering in case it gets out of the box (which can be forced w/ ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoHorizontalScroll. (#601)
  • Style: Changed default IndentSpacing from 22 to 21. (#581, #324)
  • Style: Fixed TitleBg/TitleBgActive color being rendered above WindowBg color, which was inconsistent and causing visual artefact. (#655)
    This broke the meaning of TitleBg and TitleBgActive. Only affect values where Alpha<1.0f. Fixed default theme. Read comments in "API BREAKING CHANGES" section to convert.
  • Relative rendering of order of Child windows creation is preserved, to allow more control with overlapping childs. (#595)
  • Fixed GetWindowContentRegionMax() being off by ScrollbarSize amount when explicit SizeContents is set.
  • Indent(), Unindent(): optional non-default indenting width. (#324, #581)
  • Bullet(), BulletText(): Slightly bigger. Less polygons.
  • ButtonBehavior(): fixed subtle old bug when a repeating button would also return true on mouse release (barely noticeable unless RepeatRate is set to be very slow). (#656)
  • BeginMenu(): a menu that becomes disabled while open gets closed down, facilitate user's code. (#126)
  • BeginGroup(): fixed using within Columns set. (#630)
  • Fixed a lag in reading the currently hovered window when dragging a window. (#635)
  • Obsoleted 4 parameters version of CollapsingHeader(). Refactored code into TreeNodeBehavior. (#600, #579)
  • Scrollbar: minor fix for top-right rounding of scrollbar background when window has menubar but no title bar.
  • MenuItem(): checkmark render in disabled color when menu item is disabled.
  • Fixed clipping rectangle floating point representation to ensure renderer-side float point operations yield correct results in typical DirectX/GL settings. (#582, 597)
  • Fixed GetFrontMostModalRootWindow(), fixing missing fade-out when a combo pop was used stacked over a modal window. (#604)
  • ImDrawList: Added AddQuad(), AddQuadFilled() helpers.
  • ImDrawList: AddText() refactor, moving some code to ImFont, reserving less unused vertices when large vertical clipping occurs.
  • ImFont: Added RenderChar() helper.
  • ImFont: Added AddRemapChar() helper. (#609)
  • ImFontConfig: Clarified persistence requirement of GlyphRanges array. (#651)
  • ImGuiStorage: Added bool helper functions for completeness.
  • AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(): Fix font config propagation. (#587)
  • Renamed majority of use of the word "opened" to "open" for clarity. Renamed SetNextTreeNodeOpened() to SetNextTreeNodeOpen(). (#625, #579)
  • Examples: OpenGL3: Saving/restoring glActiveTexture() state. (#602)
  • Examples: DirectX9: save/restore all device state.
  • Examples: DirectX9: Removed dependency on d3dx9.h, d3dx9.lib, dxguid.lib so it can be used in a DirectXMath.h only environment. (#611)
  • Examples: DirectX10/X11: Apply depth-stencil state (no use of depth buffer). (#640, #636)
  • Examples: DirectX11/X11: Added comments on removing dependency on D3DCompiler. (#638)
  • Examples: SDL: Initialize video+timer subsystem only.
  • Examples: Apple/iOS: lowered xcode project deployment target from 10.7 to 10.11. (#598, #575)


Some projects using ImGui.

Simple synth test ( )
gui_synth3 mp4_snapshot_00 03_ 2016 05 29_22 22 32

Dubious software


09 Apr 16:30
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End of winter release

Accumulation of various things! Try to stay vaguely up to date!
Click to see the project homepage.

Avoyd ( )
cfhonfbweaafsne jpg large
Scroll down for more user screenshots or see the screenshot threads (#539)


Breaking Changes

  • Consistently honoring exact width passed to PushItemWidth() (when positive), previously it would add extra FramePadding.x*2 over that width. Some hand-tuned layout may be affected slightly. (#346)
  • Style: removed style.WindowFillAlphaDefault which was confusing and redundant, baked alpha into ImGuiCol_WindowBg color. If you had a custom WindowBg color but didn't change WindowFillAlphaDefault, multiply WindowBg alpha component by 0.7. Renamed ImGuiCol_TooltipBg to ImGuiCol_PopupBG, applies to other types of popups. bg_alpha parameter of 5-parameters version of Begin() is an override. (#337)
  • InputText(): Added BufTextLen field in ImGuiTextEditCallbackData. Requesting user to update it if the buffer is modified in the callback. Added a temporary length-check assert to minimize panic for the 3 people using the callback. (#541)
  • Renamed GetWindowFont() to GetFont(), GetWindowFontSize() to GetFontSize(). Kept inline redirection function (will obsolete). (#340)

All changes

  • Consistently honoring exact width passed to PushItemWidth(), previously it would add extra FramePadding.x*2 over that width. Some hand-tuned layout may be affected slightly. (#346)
  • Fixed clipping of child windows within parent not taking account of child outer clipping boundaries (including scrollbar, etc.). (#506)
  • TextUnformatted(): Fixed rare crash bug with large blurb of text (2k+) not finished with a '\n' and fully above the clipping Y line. (#535)
  • IO: Added 'KeySuper' field to hold Cmd keyboard modifiers for OS X. Updated all examples accordingly. (#473)
  • Added ImGuiWindowFlags_ForceVerticalScrollbar, ImGuiWindowFlags_ForceHorizontalScrollbar flags. (#476)
  • Added IM_COL32 macros to generate a U32 packed color, convenient for direct use of ImDrawList api. (#346)
  • Added GetFontTexUvWhitePixel() helper, convenient for direct use of ImDrawList api.
  • Selectable(): Added ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowDoubleClick flag to allow user reacting on double-click. (@zapolnov) (#516)
  • Begin(): made the close button explicitly set the boolean to false instead of toggling it. (#499)
  • BeginChild()/EndChild(): fixed incorrect layout to allow widgets submitted after an auto-fitted child window. (#540)
  • BeginChild(): Added ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysUseWindowPadding flag to ensure non-bordered child window uses window padding. (#462)
  • Fixed InputTextMultiLine(), ListBox(), BeginChildFrame(), ProgressBar(): outer frame not honoring bordering. (#462, #503)
  • Fixed Image(), ImageButtion() rendering a rectangle 1 px too large on each axis. (#457)
  • SetItemAllowOverlap(): Promoted from imgui_internal.h to public imgui.h api. (#517)
  • Combo(): Right-most button stays highlighted when popup is open.
  • Combo(): Display popup above if there's isn't enough space below / or select largest side. (#505)
  • DragFloat(), SliderFloat(), InputFloat(): fixed cases of erroneously returning true repeatedly after a text input modification (e.g. "0.0" --> "0.000" would keep returning true). (#564)
  • DragFloat(): Always apply value when mouse is held/widget active, so that an always-reseting variable (e.g. non saved local) can be passed.
  • InputText(): OS X friendly behaviors: Word movement uses Alt key; Shortcuts uses Cmd key; Double-clicking text select a single word; Jumping to next word sets cursor to end of current word instead of beginning of current word. (@zhiayang), (#473)
  • InputText(): Added BufTextLen in ImGuiTextEditCallbackData. Requesting user to maintain it if buffer is modified. Zero-ing structure properly before use. (#541)
  • CheckboxFlags(): Added support for testing/setting multiple flags at the same time. (@DMartinek) (#555)
  • TreeNode(), CollapsingHeader() fixed not being able to use "##" sequence in a formatted label.
  • ColorEdit4(): Empty label doesn't add InnerSpacing.x, matching behavior of other widgets. (#346)
  • ColorEdit4(): Removed unnecessary calls to scanf() when idle in hexadecimal edit mode.
  • BeginPopupContextItem(), BeginPopupContextWindow(): added early out optimization.
  • CaptureKeyboardFromApp() / CaptureMouseFromApp(): added argument to allow clearing the capture flag. (#533)
  • ImDrawList: Fixed index-overflow check broken by AddText() casting current index back to ImDrawIdx. (#514)
  • ImDrawList: Fixed incorrect removal of trailing draw command if it is a callback command.
  • ImDrawList: Allow windows with only a callback only to be functional. (#524)
  • ImDrawList: Fixed ImDrawList::AddRect() which used to render a rectangle 1 px too large on each axis. (#457)
  • ImDrawList: Fixed ImDrawList::AddCircle() to fit precisely within bounding box like AddCircleFilled() and AddRectFilled(). (#457)
  • ImDrawList: AddCircle(), AddRect() takes optional thickness parameter.
  • ImDrawList: Added AddTriangle().
  • ImDrawList: Added PrimQuadUV() helper to ease custom rendering of textured quads (require primitive reserve).
  • ImDrawList: Allow AddText(ImFont* font, float font_size, ...) variant to take NULL/0.0f as default.
  • ImFontAtlas: heuristic increase default texture width up for large number of glyphs. (#491)
  • ImTextBuffer: Fixed empty() helper which was utterly broken.
  • Metrics: allow to inspect individual triangles in drawcalls.
  • Demo: added more draw primitives in the Custom Rendering example. (#457)
  • Demo: extra comments and example for PushItemWidth(-1) patterns.
  • Demo: InputText password demo filters out blanks. (#515)
  • Demo: Fixed malloc/free mismatch and leak when destructing demo console, if it has been used. (@fungos) (#536)
  • Demo: plot code doesn't use ImVector to avoid heap allocation and be more friendly to custom allocator users. (#538)
  • Fixed compilation on DragonFly BSD (@mneumann) (#563)
  • Examples: Vulkan: Added a Vulkan example (@Loftilus) (#549)
  • Examples: DX10, DX11: Saving/restoring most device state so dropping render function in your codebase shouldn't have DX device side-effects. (#570)
  • Examples: DX10, DX11: Fixed ImGui_ImplDX??_NewFrame() from recreating device objects if render isn't called (g_pVB not set).
  • Examples: OpenGL3: Fix BindVertexArray/BindBuffer order. (@nlguillemot) (#527)
  • Examples: OpenGL: skip rendering and calling glViewport() if we have zero-fixed buffer. (#486)
  • Examples: SDL2+OpenGL3: Fix context creation options. Made ImGui_ImplSdlGL3_NewFrame() signature match GL2 one. (#468, #463)
  • Examples: SDL2+OpenGL2/3: Fix for high-dpi displays. (@nickgravelyn)
  • Various extra comments and clarification in the code.
  • Various other fixes and optimisations.


Projects using ImGui

Virtualkc emulator (

Shinobi editor
cfgu6o6w4aa6y-b jpg large

Material editor thing

Lumote editor ( )

TEMU / TPU Emulator ( see blog post )
ce3i8ciukaa7i5o jpg large

Visual Designer 3D ( )

OdenVR ( )


25 Dec 22:01
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The Christmas Maintenance Release

Bundling changes that happened in the past two months. Some minor additions and mostly a bunch of useful fixes. Thanks to everyone trying to push the library in new directions, reporting issues and suggesting improvements! If you want to get your hands dirty ImGui can use your help (e.g. #435)! Your patronage and donations are also still very helpful.

Why the odd dual naming, "dear imgui" vs "ImGui"?

The library started its life and is best known as "ImGui" only due to the fact that I didn't give it a proper name when I released it. However, the term IMGUI (immediate-mode graphical user interface) was coined before and is being used in variety of other situations. It seemed confusing and unfair to hog the name. To reduce the ambiguity without affecting existing codebases, I have decided on an alternate, longer name "dear imgui" that people can use to refer to this specific library in ambiguous situations. Otherwise, you can just ignore that.


  • Minor rebranding "ImGui" -> "dear imgui" as an optional first name to reduce ambiguity with IMGUI term. (#21)
  • Added ProgressBar(). (#333)
  • InputText(): Added ImGuiInputTextFlags_Password mode: hide display, disable logging/copying to clipboard. (#237, #363, #374)
  • Added GetColorU32() helper to retrieve color given enum with global alpha and extra applied.
  • Added ImGuiIO::ClearInputCharacters() superfluous helper.
  • Fixed ImDrawList draw command merging bug where using PopClipRect() along with PushTextureID()/PopTextureID() functions would occasionaly restore an incorrect clipping rectangle.
  • Fixed ImDrawList draw command merging so PushTextureID(XXX)/PopTextureID()/PushTextureID(XXX) sequence are now properly merged.
  • Fixed large popups positioning issues when their contents on either axis is larger than DisplaySize, and WindowPadding < DisplaySafeAreaPadding.
  • Fixed border rendering in various situations when using non-pixel aligned glyphs.
  • Fixed border rendering of windows to always contain the border within the window.
  • Fixed Shutdown() leaking font atlas data if NewFrame() was never called. (#396, #303)
  • Fixed int>void* warnings for 64-bits architectures with fancy warnings enabled.
  • Renamed the dubious Color() helpers to ValueColor() - dangerously named, rarely used and probably to be made obsolete.
  • InputText(): Fixed and better handling of using keyboard while mouse button if being held and dragging. (#429)
  • InputText(): Replace OS IME (Input Method Editor) cursor on top-left when we are not text editing.
  • TreeNode(), CollapsingHeader(), Bullet(), BulletText(): various sizing and layout fixes to better support laying out multiple item with different height on same line. (#414, #282)
  • Begin(): Initial window creation with ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus flag pushes it at the front of global window list.
  • BeginPopupContextWindow() and BeginPopupContextVoid() reopen window on subsequent click. (#439)
  • ColorEdit4(): Fixed broken tooltip on hovering the color button. (actually fixes #373, #380)
  • ImageButton(): uses FrameRounding up to a maximum of available framing size. (#394)
  • Columns: Fixed bug with indentation within columns, also making code a bit shorter/faster. (#414, #125)
  • Columns: Columns set with no implicit id include the columns count within the id to reduce collisions. (#125)
  • Columns: Removed one unnecessary allocation when columns are not used by a window. (#125)
  • ImFontAtlas: Tweaked GetGlyphRangesJapanese() so it is easier to modify.
  • ImFontAtlas: Updated stb_rect_pack.h to 0.08.
  • Metrics: Fixed computing ImDrawCmd bounding box when the draw buffer have been unindexed.
  • Demo: Added a simple "Property Editor" demo applet. (#125, #414)
  • Demo: Fixed assertion in "Custom Rendering" demo when holding both mouse buttons. (#393)
  • Demo: Lots of extra comments, fixes.
  • Demo: Tweaks to Style Editor.
  • Examples: Not clearing input data/tex data in atlas (will be required for dynamic atlas anyway).
  • Examples: Added /Zi (output debug information) to Win32 batch files.
  • Examples: Various fixes for resizing window and recreating graphic context.
  • Examples: OpenGL2/3: Save/restore viewport as part of default render function. (#392, #441).
  • Examples; OpenGL3: Fixed gl3w.c for Linux when compiled with a C++ compiler. (#411)
  • Examples: DirectX: Removed assumption about Unicode build in example main.cpp. (#399)
  • Examples: DirectX10: Added DirectX10 example. (#424)
  • Examples: DirectX11: Downgraded requirement from shader model 5.0 to 4.0. (#420)
  • Examples: DirectX11: Removed Debug flag from graphics context. (#415)
  • Examples: Added SDL+OpenGL3 example. (#356)


Property Editor example


Projects using ImGui

LuxCode GUI for LuxRender ( )

lux core

Avoyd (game) ( )


Curve Editor from Lumix Engine ( )

curve editor


18 Oct 16:54
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  • Begin*(): added ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing flag. (#314)
  • Begin*(): added ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus flag.
  • Added GetDrawData() alternative to setting a Render function pointer in ImGuiIO structure.
  • Added SetClipboardText(), GetClipboardText() helper shortcuts that user code can call directly without reading from the ImGuiIO structure (to match MemAlloc/MemFree)
  • Fixed handling of malformed UTF-8 at the end of a non-zero terminated string range.
  • Fixed mouse click detection when passing DeltaTime 0.0. (#338)
  • Fixed IsKeyReleased() and IsMouseReleased() returning true on the first frame.
  • Fixed using SetNextWindow* functions on Modal windows with a ImGuiSetCond_Appearing condition. (#377)
  • IsMouseHoveringRect(): Added 'bool clip' parameter to disable clipping provided rectangle. (#316)
  • InputText(): added ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly flag. (#211)
  • InputText(): lose cursor/undo-stack when reactivating focus is buffer has changed size.
  • InputText(): fixed ignoring text inputs when ALT or ALTGR are pressed. (#334)
  • InputText(): fixed mouse-dragging not tracking the cursor when text doesn't fit. (#339)
  • InputText(): fixed cursor pixel-perfect alignment when horizontally scrolling.
  • InputText(): fixed crash when passing a buf_size==0 (which can be of use for read-only selectable text boxes). (#360)
  • InputFloat() fixed explicit precision modifier, both display and input were broken.
  • PlotHistogram(): improved rendering of histogram with a lot of values.
  • Dummy(): creates an item so functions such as IsItemHovered() can be used.
  • BeginChildFrame() helper: added the extra_flags parameter.
  • Scrollbar: fixed rounding of background + child window consistenly have ChildWindowBg color under ScrollbarBg fill. (#355).
  • Scrollbar: background color less translucent in default style so it works better when changing background color.
  • Scrollbar: fixed minor rendering offset when borders are enabled. (#365)
  • ImDrawList: fixed 1 leak per ImDrawList using the ChannelsSplit() API (via Columns). (#318)
  • ImDrawList: fixed rectangle rendering glitches with width/height <= 1/2 and rounding enabled.
  • ImDrawList: AddImage() uv parameters default to (0,0) and (1,1).
  • ImFontAtlas: Added TexDesiredWidth and tweaked default cheapo best-width choice. (#327)
  • ImFontAtlas: Added GetGlyphRangesKorean() helper to retrieve unicode ranges for Korean. (#348)
  • ImGuiTextFilter::Draw() helper return bool and build when filter is modified.
  • ImGuiTextBuffer: added c_str() helper.
  • ColorEdit4(): fixed hovering the color button always showing 1.0 alpha. (#373)
  • ColorConvertFloat4ToU32() round the floats instead of truncating them.
  • Window: Fixed window lower-right clipping limit so it plays more friendly with both OpenGL and DirectX coordinates.
  • Internal: Extracted a EndFrame() function out of Render() but kept it internal/private + clarified some asserts. (#335)
  • Internal: Added missing IMGUI_API definitions in imgui_internal.h (#326)
  • Internal: ImLoadFileToMemory() return void* instead of taking void** + allow optional int* file_size.
  • Demo: Horizontal scrollbar demo allows to enable simultanaeous scrollbars on both axises.
  • Tools: binary_to_compressed_c.cpp: added -nocompress option.
  • Examples: Added example for the Marmalade platform.
  • Examples: Added batch files to build Windows examples with VS.
  • Examples: OpenGL3: Saving/restoring more GL state correctly. (#347)
  • Examples: OpenGL2/3: Added msys2/mingw64 target to Makefiles.


Projects using ImGui






Using invisible buttons to create splitters



01 Sep 18:32
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The horizontal scrolling release!



  • With the addition of better horizontal scrolling primitives I had to make some consistency fixes.
    GetCursorPos() SetCursorPos() GetContentRegionMax() GetWindowContentRegionMin() GetWindowContentRegionMax() are now incorporating the scrolling amount. They were incorrectly not incorporating this amount previously. It PROBABLY shouldn't break anything, but that depends on how you used them. Namely:
    • If you always used SetCursorPos() with values relative to GetCursorPos() there shouldn't be a problem. However if you used absolute coordinates, note that SetCursorPosY(100.0f) will put you at +100 from the initial Y position (which may be scrolled out of the view), NOT at +100 from the window top border. Since there wasn't any official scrolling value on X axis (past just manually moving the cursor) this can only affect you if you used to set absolute coordinates on the Y axis which is hopefully rare/unlikely, and trivial to fix.
    • The value of GetWindowContentRegionMax() isn't necessarily close to GetWindowWidth() if horizontally scrolling. Previously they were roughly interchangeable (roughly because the content region exclude window padding).



  • Added Horizontal Scrollbar via ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScroll (#246).
  • Added GetScrollX(), GetScrollX(), GetScrollMaxX() apis (#246).
  • Added SetNextWindowContentSize(), SetNextWindowContentWidth() to explicitly set the content size of a window, which define the range of scrollbar. When set explicitly it also define the base value from which widget width are derived.
  • Added IO.WantTextInput telling when ImGui is expecting text input, so that e.g. OS on-screen keyboard can be enabled.
  • Added printf attribute to printf-like text formatting functions (Clang/GCC).
  • Added GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup() helper.
  • Added GetContentRegionAvailWidth() helper.
  • Malformed UTF-8 data don't terminate string, output 0xFFFD instead (#307).
  • ImDrawList: Added AddBezierCurve(), PathBezierCurveTo() API for cubic bezier curves (#311).
  • ImDrawList: Allow to override ImDrawIdx type (#292).
  • ImDrawList: Added an assert on overflowing index value (#292).
  • ImDrawList: Fixed issues with channels split/merge. Now functional without manually adding a draw cmd. Added comments.
  • ImDrawData: Added ScaleClipRects() helper useful when rendering scaled. (#287).
  • Fixed Bullet() inconsistent layout behaviour when clipped.
  • Fixed IsWindowHovered() not taking account of window hoverability (may be disabled because of a popup).
  • Fixed InvisibleButton() not honoring negative size consistently with other widgets that do so.
  • Fixed OpenPopup() accessing current window, effectively opening "Debug" when called from an empty window stack.
  • TreeNode(): Fixed IsItemHovered() result being inconsistent with interaction visuals (#282).
  • TreeNode(): Fixed mouse interaction padding past the node label being accounted for in layout (#282).
  • BeginChild(): Passing a ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove inhibits moving parent window from this child.
  • BeginChild() fixed missing rounding for child sizes which leaked into layout and have items misaligned.
  • Begin(): Removed default name = "Debug" parameter. We already have a "Debug" window pushed to the stack in the first place so it's not really a useful default.
  • Begin(): Minor fixes with windows main clipping rectangle (e.g. child window with border).
  • Begin(): Window flags are only read on the first call of the frame. Subsequent calls ignore flags, which allows appending to a window without worryin about flags.
  • InputText(): ignore character input when ctrl/alt are held. (Normally those text input are ignored by most wrappers.) (#279).
  • Demo: Fixed incorrectly formed string passed to Combo (#298).
  • Demo: Added simple Log demo.
  • Demo: Added horizontal scrolling example + enabled in console, log and child examples (#246).
  • Style: made scrollbars rounded by default. Because nice. Minor menu bar background alpha tweak. (#246)
  • Metrics: display indices along with triangles count (#299) and some internal state.
  • ImGuiTextFilter::PassFilter() supports string range. Added [] helper to ImGuiTextBuffer.
  • ImGuiTextFilter::Draw() default parameter width=0.0f for no override, allow override with negative values.
  • Examples: OpenGL2/OpenGL3: fix for retina displays. Default font current lack crispness.
  • Examples: OpenGL2/OpenGL3: save/restore more GL state correctly.
  • Examples: DirectX9/DirectX11: resizing buffers dynamically (#299).
  • Examples: DirectX9/DirectX11: added missing middle mouse button to Windows event handler.
  • Examples: DirectX11: fix for Visual Studio 2015 presumably shipping with an updated version of DX11.
  • Examples: iOS: fixed missing files in project.

Bonus: a proof of concept of building something from the low-level components of ImGui. It's a not really functional demo (missing lots of stuff) but may inspire you to build custom high-level components #306



08 Aug 14:06
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The controversial release!

Big cleanup!
imgui.cpp has been split intro extra files: imgui_demo.cpp, imgui_draw.cpp, imgui_internal.h. Add the two extra .cpp to your project or #include them from another .cpp file. (#219)

  • Internal data structure and several useful functions are now exposed in imgui_internal.h. This should make it easier and more natural to extend ImGui. However please note that none of the content in imgui_internal.h is guaranteed for forward-compatibility and code using those types/functions may occasionally break. (#219)
  • All sample code is in imgui_demo.cpp. Please keep this file in your project and consider allowing your code to call the ShowTestWindow() function as defacto guide to ImGui features. It will be stripped out by the linker when unused.
  • Added GetContentRegionAvail() helper (basically GetContentRegionMax() - GetCursorPos()).
  • Added ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs for totally input-passthru window.
  • Button(): honor negative size consistently with other widgets that do so (width -100 to align the button 100 pixels before the right-most position of the contents region).
  • InputTextMultiline(): honor negative size consistently with other widgets that do so.
  • Combo() clamp popup to lower edge of visible area.
  • InputInt(): value doesn't pass through an int>float>int casting chain, fix handling lost of precision with "large" integer.
  • InputInt() allow hexadecimal input (awkwardly via ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsHexadecimal but we will allow format string in InputInt* later)
  • Checkbox(), RadioButton(): fixed scaling of checkbox and radio button for the filling of "active" visual.
  • Columns: never assume horizontal space for scrollbar if NoScrollbar flag is explicitly set.
  • Slider: fixed using FramePadding between frame and grab visual. Scaling that spacing would look odd.
  • Fixed lower-right resize grip hit box not scaling along with its rendered size (#287)
  • ImDrawList: Fixed angles in ImDrawList::PathArcTo(), PathArcToFast() (v1.43) being off by an extra PI for no reason.
  • ImDrawList: Added ImDrawList::AddText() shorthand helper.
  • ImDrawList: Add missing support for anti-aliased thick-lines (#133, also ref #288)
  • ImFontAtlas: Added AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF() to load base85 encoded font string. Default font encoded as base85 saves ~100 lines / 26 KB of source code. Added base85 output to the binary_to_compressed_c tool.
  • Build fix for MinGW (#276).
  • Examples: OpenGL3: Fixed running on script core profiles for OSX (#277).
  • Examples: OpenGL3: Simplified code using glBufferData for vertices as well (#277, #278)
  • Examples: DirectX11: Clear font texture view to ensure Release() doesn't get called twice (#290).
  • Updated to stb_truetype 1.07 (back to vanilla version as our minor changes are now in master & fix unlikely assert with odd fonts (#280)


17 Jul 12:58
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The anti-aliasing release!

This is a rather important release and we unfortunately had to break the rendering API. ImGui now requires you to render indexed vertices instead of non-indexed ones. The fix should be very easy. Sorry for that! This change is saving a fair amount of CPU/GPU and enables us to get anti-aliasing for a marginal cost.

Each ImDrawList now contains both a vertex buffer and an index buffer. For each command, render ElemCount/3 triangles using indices from the index buffer.

If you are using a vanilla copy of one of the imgui_impl_XXXX.cpp provided in the example, you just need to update your copy and you can ignore the rest.

The signature of the io.RenderDrawListsFn handler has changed:

ImGui_XXXX_RenderDrawLists(ImDrawList** const cmd_lists, int cmd_lists_count)


ImGui_XXXX_RenderDrawLists(ImDrawData* draw_data)


argument   'cmd_lists'        -> 'draw_data->CmdLists'
argument   'cmd_lists_count'  -> 'draw_data->CmdListsCount'
ImDrawList 'commands'         -> 'CmdBuffer'
ImDrawList 'vtx_buffer'       -> 'VtxBuffer'
ImDrawList  n/a               -> 'IdxBuffer' (new)
ImDrawCmd  'vtx_count'        -> 'ElemCount'
ImDrawCmd  'clip_rect'        -> 'ClipRect'
ImDrawCmd  'user_callback'    -> 'UserCallback'
ImDrawCmd  'texture_id'       -> 'TextureId'

If you REALLY cannot render indexed primitives, you can call the draw_data->DeIndexAllBuffers() method to de-index the buffers. This is slow and a waste of CPU/GPU. Prefer using indexed rendering!
Refer to code in the examples/ folder or ask on the GitHub if you are unsure of how to upgrade. Please upgrade!

  • Added anti-aliasing on lines and shapes based on primitives by @MikkoMononen (#133).
    Between the use of indexed-rendering and the fact that the entire rendering codebase has been optimised and massaged enough, with anti-aliasing enabled ImGui 1.43 is now running FASTER than 1.41.
    Put some extra effort in making the code run faster in your typical Debug build.
  • Anti-aliasing can be disabled in the ImGuiStyle structure via the AntiAliasedLines/AntiAliasedShapes fields for further gains.
  • ImDrawList: Added AddPolyline(), AddConvexPolyFilled() with optional anti-aliasing.
  • ImDrawList: Added stateful path building and stroking API. PathLineTo(), PathArcTo(), PathRect(), PathFill(), PathStroke() with optional anti-aliasing.
  • ImDrawList: Added AddRectFilledMultiColor() helper.
  • ImDrawList: Added multi-channel rendering so out of order elements can be rendered in separate channels and then merged back together (used by columns).
  • ImDrawList: Fixed merging draw commands when equal clip rectangles are in the two first commands.
  • ImDrawList: Fixed window draw lists not destructed properly on Shutdown().
  • ImDrawData: Added DeIndexAllBuffers() helper.
  • Added lots of new font options ImFontAtlas::AddFont() and the new ImFontConfig structure.
    • Added support for oversampling (ImFontConfig: OversampleH, OversampleV) and sub-pixel positioning (ImFontConfig: PixelSnapH).
      Oversampling allows sub-pixel positioing but can also be used as a way to get some leeway with scaling fonts without re-rasterizing.
    • Added GlyphExtraSpacing option to add extra horizontal spacing between characters (#242).
    • Added MergeMode option to merge glyphs from different font inputs into a same font (#182, #232).
    • Added FontDataOwnedByAtlas option to keep ownership from the TTF data buffer and request the atlas to make a copy (#220).
  • Updated to stb_truetype 1.06 (+ minor mods) with better font rasterization.
  • InputText: Added ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoHorizontalScroll flag.
  • InputText: Added ImGuiInputTextFlags_AlwaysInsertMode flag.
  • InputText: Added HasSelection() helper in ImGuiTextEditCallbackData as a clarification.
  • InputText: Fix for using END key on a multi-line text editor (#275)
  • Columns: Dispatch render of each column in a sub-draw list and merge on closure, saving a lot of draw calls! (#125)
  • Popups: Fixed Combo boxes inside menus. (#272)
  • Style: Added GrabRounding setting to make the sliders etc. grabs rounded.
  • Changed SameLine() parameters from int to float.
  • Fixed incorrect assert triggering when code stole ActiveID from user moving a window by calling e.g. SetKeyboardFocusHere().
  • Fixed CollapsingHeader() label rendering outside its frame in columns context where cliprect max isn't aligned with the right-side of the header.
  • Metrics window: calculate bounding box of actual vertices when hovering a draw list.
  • Examples: Showing more information in the Fonts section.
  • Examples: Added a gratuitous About window.
  • Examples: Updated all examples code (OpenGL/DX9/DX11/SDL/Allegro/iOS) to use indexed rendering.
  • Examples: Fixed the SDL2 example to support Unicode text input (#274).





08 Jul 19:08
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  • Renamed SetScrollPosHere() to SetScrollHere(). Kept inline redirection function (will obsolete). Renamed GetScrollPosY() to GetScrollY(). Necessary to reduce confusion and make scrolling API consistent, because positions (e.g. cursor position) are not equivalent to scrolling amount.
  • Added SDL2 example application (courtesy of @CedricGuillemet)
  • Added iOS example application (courtesy of @joeld42)
  • Added Allegro 5 example application (courtesy of @bggd)
  • Added TitleBgActive color in style so focused window is made visible. (#253)
  • Added CaptureKeyboardFromApp() / CaptureMouseFromApp() to manually enforce inputs capturing.
  • Added DragFloatRange2() DragIntRange2() helpers. (#76)
  • Added a Y centering ratio to SetScrollFromCursorPos() which can be used to aim the top or bottom of the window. (#150)
  • Added SetScrollY(), SetScrollFromPos(), GetCursorStartPos() for manual scrolling manipulations. (#150).
  • Added GetKeyIndex() helper for converting from ImGuiKey_* enum to user's keycodes. Basically pulls from io.KeysMap[].
  • Added missing ImGuiKey_PageUp, ImGuiKey_PageDown so more UI code can be written without referring to implementation-side keycodes.
  • MenuItem() can be activated on release. (#245)
  • Allowing NewFrame() with DeltaTime==0.0f to not assert.
  • Fixed IsMouseDragging(). (#260)
  • Fixed PlotLines(), PlotHistogram() using incorrect hovering test so they would show their tooltip even when there is a popup between mouse and the graph.
  • Fixed window padding being reported incorrectly for child windows with borders when parent have no borders.
  • Fixed a bug with TextUnformatted() clipping of long text blob when clipping y1 line sits on the first line of text. (#257)
  • Fixed text baseline alignment of small button (no padding) after regular buttons.
  • Fixed ListBoxHeader() not honoring negative sizes the same way as BeginChild() or BeginChildFrame(). (#263)
  • Fixed warnings for more pedantic compiler settings (#258).
  • ImVector<> cannot be re-defined anymore, cannot be replaced with std::vector<>. Allowed us to clean up and optimise lots of code. Yeah! (#262)
  • ImDrawList: store pointer to their owner name for easier auditing/debugging.
  • Examples: added scroll tracking example with SetScrollFromCursorPos().
  • Examples: metrics windows render clip rectangle when hovering over a draw call.
  • Lots of small optimisation (particularly to run faster on unoptimised builds) and tidying up.
  • Added font links in extra_fonts/ + instructions for using compressed fonts in C array.
  • Removed obsolete GetDefaultFontData() function that would assert anyway. If you are updating from <1.30 you'll get a compile error instead of an assertion. (obsoleted 2015/01/11)

drag range b

scroll b


26 Jun 04:04
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  • Breaking change: changed ImageButton() default bg_col parameter from (0,0,0,1) (black) to (0,0,0,0) (transparent) - only makes a difference when texture have transparence.
  • Breaking change: changed Selectable() API from (label, selected, size) to (label, selected, flags, size). Size override should be used very rarely so hopefully it doesn't affect many people. Sorry!
  • Added InputTextMultiline() multi-line text editor, vertical scrolling, selection, optimized enough to handle rather big chunks of text in stateless context (thousands of lines are ok), option for allowing Tab to be input, option for validating with Return or Ctrl+Return (#200).
  • Added modal window API, BeginPopupModal(), follows the popup api scheme. Modal windows can be closed by clicking outside. By default the rest of the screen is dimmed (using ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening). Modal windows can be stacked.
  • Added GetGlyphRangesCyrillic() helper (#237).
  • Added SetNextWindowPosCenter() to center a window prior to knowing its size. (#249)
  • Added IsWindowHovered() helper.
  • Added IsMouseReleased(), IsKeyReleased() helpers to allow to user to avoid tracking them. (#248)
  • Allow Set*WindowSize() calls to be used with popups.
  • Window: AutoFit can be triggered on each axis separately via SetNextWindowSize(), etc.
  • Window: fixed scrolling with mouse wheel while window was collapsed.
  • Window: fixed mouse wheel scroll issues.
  • DragFloat(), SliderFloat(): Fixed rounding of negative numbers which sometime made the negative lower bound unreachable.
  • InputText(): lifted character count limit.
  • InputText(): fixes in case of using per-window font scaling.
  • Selectable(), MenuItem(): do not use frame rounding for hovering/selection.
  • Selectable(): Added flag ImGuiSelectableFlags_DontClosePopups.
  • Selectable(): Added flag ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns (#125).
  • Combo(): Fixed issue with activating a Combo() not taking active id (#241).
  • ColorButton(), ColorEdit4(): fix to ensure that the colored square stays square when non-default padding settings are used.
  • BeginChildFrame(): returns bool like BeginChild() for clipping.
  • SetScrollPosHere(): takes account of item height + more accurate centering + fixed precision issue.
  • ImFont: ignoring '\r'.
  • ImFont: added GetCharAdvance() helper. Exposed font Ascent and font Descent.
  • ImFont: additional rendering optimizations.
  • Metrics windows display storage size.

modal dialog

multiline_2 - small

selectable span all columns

Bonus screenshot: pimping your ImGui by @Pagghiu



31 May 19:49
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Short version: added stacked popups, menus, menu bars, menu items + a handful of other features and fixes.
Long version below the images.

NB: The BeginPopup() API (introduced in 1.37) had to be changed to allow for stacked popups and menus. Use OpenPopup() to toggle the opened state and BeginPopup() to append.

_NB: The third parameter of Button(), 'repeat_if_held' has been removed. While it's been very rarely used, some code will possibly break if you didn't rely on the default parameter. Use PushButtonRepeat()/PopButtonRepeat() to configure repeat._

menus shot 0

menus shot 2


Bonus unrelated screenshot


  • Menus: Added a menu system! Menus are typically populated with menu items and sub-menus, but you can add any sort of widgets in them (buttons, text inputs, sliders, etc.). (#126)
  • Menus: Added MenuItem() to append a menu item. Optional shortcut display, acts a button & toggle with checked/unchecked state, disabled mode. Menu items can be used in any window.
  • Menus: Added BeginMenu() to append a sub-menu. Note that you generally want to add sub-menu inside a popup or a menu-bar. They will work inside a normal window but it will be a bit unusual.
  • Menus: Added BeginMenuBar() to append to window menu-bar (set ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar to enable).
  • Menus: Added BeginMainMenuBar() helper to append to a fullscreen main menu-bar.
  • Popups: Support for stacked popups. Each popup level inhibit inputs to lower levels. The menus system is based on this. (#126).
  • Popups: Added BeginPopupContextItem(), BeginPopupContextWindow(), BeginPopupContextVoid() to create a popup window on mouse-click.
  • Popups: Popups have borders by default (#197), attenuated border alpha in default theme.
  • Popups & Tooltip: Fit within display. Handling various positioning/sizing/scrolling edge cases. Better hysteresis when moving in corners. Tooltip always tries to stay away from mouse-cursor.
  • Added ImGuiStorage::GetVoidPtrRef() for manipulating stored void*.
  • Added IsKeyDown() IsMouseDown() as convenience and for consistency with existing functions (instead of reading them from IO structures).
  • Added Dummy() helper to advance layout by a given size. Unlike InvisibleButton() this doen't catch any click.
  • Added configurable io.KeyRepeatDelay, io.KeyRepeatRate keyboard and mouse repeat rate.
  • Added PushButtonRepeat() / PopButtonRepeat() to enable hold-button-to-repeat press on any button. Removed the third 'repeat' parameter of Button().
  • Added IsAnyItemHovered() helper.
  • Added GetItemsLineHeightWithSpacing() helper.
  • Added ImGuiListClipper helper for clipping large list of evenly sized items, to avoid using CalcListClipping() directly.
  • Renamed IsRectClipped() to !IsRectVisible() for consistency (opposite return value!). Kept inline redirection function (will obsolete)
  • Renamed GetWindowCollapsed() to IsWindowCollapsed() for consistency. Kept inline indirection function (will obsolete).
  • Separator: within group start on group horizontal offset. (#205)
  • InputText: Fixed incorrect edit state after text buffer is appended to by user via the callback. (#206)
  • InputText: CTRL+letter-key shortcuts (e.g. CTRL+C/V/X) makes sure only CTRL is pressed. (#214)
  • InputText: Fixed cursor generating a zero-width wireframe rectangle turning into a division by zero (would go unnoticed unless you trapped exceptions).
  • InputFloatN/InputIntN: Flags parameter added to match scalar versions. (#218)
  • Selectable: Horizontal filling not declared to ItemSize() so Selectable(),SameLine() works and we can better auto-fit the window.
  • Selectable: Handling text baseline alignment for line that aren't of text height.
  • Combo: Empty label doesn't add ItemInnerSpacing alignment, matching other widgets.
  • EndGroup: Carries the text base offset from the last line of the group (sort of incorrect but better than nothing, should use the first line of the group, will implement in the future).
  • Columns: distinguish columns-set ID from other widgets as a convenience, added asserts and sailors.
  • Listbox: ListBox() function only use public API to encourage creating custom versions. ListBoxHeader() can return false.
  • Listbox: Uses ImGuiListClipper and assume items of matching height, so large lists can be handled.
  • Plot: overlay label clipped within frame when not fitting.
  • Window: Added ImGuiSetCond_Appearing to test the hidden->visible transition in SetWindow***/SetNextWindow*** functions.
  • Window: Autofitting cancel out one worth of vertical spacing for vertical symmetry (like what group and tooltip do).
  • Window: Default item width for auto-resizing windows expressed as a factor of font height, scales better with different font.
  • Window: Fixed auto-fit calculation mismatch of whether a scrollbar will be added by maximum height clamping. Also honor NoScrollBar in the case of height clamping, not adding extra horizontal space.
  • Window: Hovering require to hover same child window. Reverted 860cf57 (December 3). Might break something if you have childs overlapping items in parent window.
  • Window: Fixed appending multiple times to an existing child via multiple BeginChild/EndChild calls to same child name. Allows a simple form of out-of-order appending.
  • Window: Fixed auto-filling child window using WindowMinSize at their minimum size, irrelevant.
  • Metrics: Added io.MetricsActiveWindows counter. (#213.
  • Metrics: Added io.MetricsAllocs counter (number of active memory allocations).
  • Metrics: ShowMetricsWindow() shows popups stack, allocations.
  • Style: Added style.DisplayWindowPadding to prevent windows from reaching edges of display (similar to style.DisplaySafeAreaPadding which is still in effect and also affect popups/tooltips).
  • Style: Removed style.AutoFitPadding, using style.WindowPadding makes more sense (the default values were already the same).
  • Style: Added style.ScrollbarRounding. (#212)
  • Style: Added ImGuiCol_TextDisabled for disabled text. Added TextDisabled() helper.
  • Style: Added style.WindowTitleAlign alignment options, to e.g. center title on windows. (#222)
  • ImVector: tweak growth strategy, matches vector from VS2010.
  • ImFontAtlas: Added ClearFonts(), making the different clear funcs more explicit. (#224)
  • ImFontAtlas: Fixed appending new fonts without clearing existing fonts. Clearing input data left to application. (#224)
  • ImDrawList: Merge draw command better, cases of multiple Begin/End gets merged properly.
  • Store common stacked settings contiguously in memory to avoid heap allocation for unused features, and reduce cache misses.
  • Shutdown() tests for g.IO.Fonts not being NULL to ease use of multiple ImGui contexts. (#207)
  • Added IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_FUNCTIONS define to disable the functions that are meant to be removed.
  • Examples: Added ? marks with tooltips next to various widgets. Added more comments in the demo window.
  • Examples: Added Menu-bar example.
  • Examples: Added Simple Layout example.
  • Examples: AutoResize demo doesn't use TextWrapped().
  • Examples: Console example uses standard malloc/free, makes more sense as a copy & pastable example.
  • Examples: DirectX9/11: Fixed key mapping for down arrow.
  • Examples: DirectX9/11: hide os curosr if ImGui is drawing it. (#155)
  • Examples: DirectX11: explicitly set rasterizer state.
  • Examples: OpenGL3: Add conditional compilation of forward compat as required by glfw on OSX. (#229)
  • Fixed build with Visual Studio 2008 (possibly earlier versions as well).
  • Other fixes, comments, tweaks.