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EN: Chart Slice

Remy Vanherweghem edited this page Aug 22, 2023 · 4 revisions

Chart slice

Version added 1.0.0

The chart slice is used to display charts in a pboml document. It is functionally similar to the table slice.

List of fields

The list of valid field are all included in the List of fields common to all types of slice.

List of fields unique to the chart slice

field name type optionality Description
type String Required Must be set to chart
datatable YAML object Required only if the arraytable field is absent A data structure similar to the one of a table slice (with enhancements)
arraytable YAML object Required only if the datatable field is absent A simple array based data structure

Detailed Field description - datatable

As mentionned, the chart slice is very similar to the table slice. The datatable field contains the same field as in the table slice.

List of fields under datatable

field name type optionality Description
variables YAML Object Required Same as the variables field of the table slice but with special fields used to personalize the chart display
content YAML Object Required Same as the content field of the table slice but with special fields used to personalize the chart display
state YAML Object ?


As mentionned before, the variables field serve the same purpose as the variables field of the table slice (see Table slice - variable object). This field contains variable objects that also represent an element of the $y$ axis (the stub of the table). These two variable object share the same fields, however the variable object contained in the chart slice has additional fields that allow the renderer to personalize the type of visualisation.

List of additional fields for the Variable Object unique to the chart slice

This table extends: Table slice - List of valid fields for a variable object

field name type optionality Description
is_time Boolean Optional Defines if the $y$ axis represents time; Defaults to false
emphasis Boolean Optional adds emphasis to the variable on the graph.
skip_chart Boolean Optional Defines if the variable is to be visualised on the chart or not. In all cases the variable will be visualised on the rendered table under the chart; Defaults to true
chart_type String Required Defines how the variable will be graphed. As of version 1.0.0, only the following values are allowed: bar for Bar charts; line for Line charts; and, scatter for Scatter charts.
tension String Optional If tension is set to monotone and the chart_type is set to line. the line will be smoothed out

Datatable Variable Object Structure

            en: {label_in_english}
            fr: {label_in_french}
          type: {number or markdown}
          display_label: {true or false}
          is_descriptive: {true or false}
          is_time: {true or false}
          emphasis: {true or false}
          skip_chart: {true or false}
          chart_type: {bar, line or scatter}
            en: {group_name}
            fr: {group_name}
            en: {units_used}
            fr: {units_used}
          tension: {number between 0 and 1}


The is_time field is optional. It is described by a boolean. If set to true, the rendered will treat the $y$ as a datetime field. This field defaults to false if absent.


The emphasis field is optional. It is described by a boolean. If set to true, the variable will be emphasised across the chart. If absent, this field defaults to false.


The skip_chart field is optional. It is described by a boolean. If set to true, the variable not be displayed in the chart, but will remain in the rendered table below. If absent, it defaults to false.


The chart_type field is required in order to indicate to the renderer the graphing method to be used for this variable. As of version 1.0.0, only the following values are allowed: bar for Bar charts; line for Line charts; and, scatter for Scatter charts.


The skip_chart field is optional. It is described by a boolean. As of version 1.0.0, the only valid value is monotone. This value only works if chart_type is set to line.


The content field follows the same pattern as the content field of the table slice: its only once the variables have been defined in the variables field that the content can be added to content; the structure of a content object still relies entirely on the variable that were defined in the variables field (See Table Slice for more examples).

The content objects represent elements of the $x$ axis. it has additional fields not found in the table slice:

List of additional fields for the Content Object unique to the chart slice

This table extends what is found in the content object structure shown here

field name type optionality Description
emphasis Boolean Optional Adds emphasis to the content. Defaults to false
skip_chart Boolean Optional Defines if the variable is to be visualised on the chart or not. . In all cases the variable will be visualised on the rendered table under the chart.

Detailed Field description - arraytable

List of fields under arraytable

datatable is the preferred method for representing a chart slice, however arraytable field can also be used instead to represent a very simple data structures. The arraytable reprsents data as an array of arrays, where the first array provides the definition of the following ones.

    ["Topping", "Slices"],
    ["Mushroom", 3],
    ["Onions", 1],
    ["Olives", 1], 
    ["Zucchini", 1],
    ["Pepperoni", 2]

Localization of this table is possible through the strings object: any substring in the arraytable that matches a key in that object will be substituted by the value for the current rendering language.

Here's an example of an arraytable:

    - type: chart
      readonly: false
      display_label: true
      presentation: figure
        en: Figure 1
        fr: Figure 1
          en: Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer
          fr: Bureau du directeur parlementaire du budget
        en: Effective interest rate on new debt
        fr: Taux d’intérêt effectif sur les nouveaux emprunts
        chart_type: line
            label: _percents_
        arraytable: [
                0.4,  null, null
                "2021-2022" ,
                "2022-2023" , 
                "2023-2024" , 
                "2024-2025" , 
                null,  2.5, 3.2
                "2025-2026" , 
                "2026-2027" , 
                "2027-2028" , 
            _FY_: Fiscal year
            _percents_: (percentage)
            _historical_rate_: Historical Rates
            _previous_projection_: Previous Projection  (Mar. 2022)
            _new_projection_: New Projection (Oct. 2022)
            _FY_: Exercice financier
            _percents_: (pourcentage)
            _historical_rate_: Taux historiques
            _previous_projection_: Projection précédente (mars 2022)
            _new_projection_: Nouvelle projection (oct. 2022)

Documentation of this alternative data format can be found in the ArrayTable model source code.