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EN: Markdown Slice

Ayman Lahdili edited this page Aug 17, 2023 · 6 revisions

Markdown Slice

Version added 1.0.0

The markdown slice is used to represent blocks of paragraphs in a pboml document. The content of that slice is rendered using Markdown. For further information on the markdown syntax, please refer to the Markdown Guide.

List of fields

In a pboml document, the markdown slice is represented using many fields. Many of those fields are included already in the List of fields common to all types of slice. However, there are fields that are specific to the markdown slice.

List of fields unique to the markdown slice

field name type optionality Description
type String Required Must be set to markdown in order to render the content field correctly
content String Required Contains the main content of the markdown slice

Example - Markdown slice

  - type: markdown
    readonly: false
    display_label: true
      en: Only slice of this document
      fr: Seule tranche de ce document
      en: "This is an **example**."
      fr: "Ceci est un **exemple**."

Detailed field description


In the case of the markdown slice, this field is obligatory and must always be set to markdown to allow the parser to render the content correctly.

Example - type field

  - type: markdown


This field contains the content of the markdown slice. This field is obligatory to have in order to proprely render a markdown slice. The content is represented in a localized text object to describe the text in several languages. For details on the Localized String Object see Note on Localized String Object. Annotations are also supported (for further details, see Annotations).

Note on the yaml syntax: the >- characters that are in front of the String fields (see example below) indicates to the yaml parser that the content within that field is multiligned.

Example - content field

      en: >-
        The proposed Canada Dental Benefit (CDB) would provide up-front tax-free payments to cover dental expenses for children under 12-years-old.\_\n\n*   $650 would be provided for each eligible child if the family’s adjusted net income is under $70,000.\_\n*   $390 would be provided for each eligible child if the family’s adjusted net income is between $70,000 and $79,999.\n*   $260 would be provided for each eligible child if the family’s adjusted net income is between $80,000 and $89,999.\n\nThere are two benefit periods of CDB.
      fr: >-
        Le projet de prestation dentaire canadienne (PDC) prévoit des paiements initiaux et non imposables pour couvrir les frais dentaires des enfants de moins de 12 ans.\_\n\n*   Une prestation de 650 $ sera versée pour chaque enfant admissible issu d’une famille dont le revenu net ajusté est inférieur à 70 000 $.\_\n*   Une prestation de 390\_$ sera versée pour chaque enfant admissible issu d’une famille dont le revenu net ajusté se situe entre 70\_000\_$ et 79\_999\_$.\n*   Une prestation de 260\_$ sera versée pour chaque enfant admissible issu d’une famille dont le revenu net ajusté se situe entre 80\_000\_$ et 89\_999\_$.\n\nLa PDC comporte deux périodes de prestations.