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Design: DPN module Dataset

Jonathan Yu edited this page Feb 7, 2017 · 4 revisions

Status of the module: Experimental

Link to DPN Dataset module:


This DPN module introduces some DPN ontology extensions to facilitate dataset descriptions in more detail. It's based on DCAT, but provides additional semantics to capture temporal and geospatial aspects motivated by the eReefs project.

This module is experimental so it has not been tested widely yet to date.


DPN Dataset

The above diagram illustrates the DPN Dataset class model for describing a scientific dataset as required by eReefs. It allows capture of related observation types, spatial and temporal extents and additional metadata about the source for a given scientific dataset. This addressed Requirement 3 from the above.

It aligns the definition of a dataset with DCAT Dataset class (see, but adds 3 extra relationships that are relevant.

relationship to dpn:Observation class: This allows the feature, quantity kind and substance or taxon relationships to be captured for a given parameter within a Dataset, e.g. Chlorophyll-a concentration of water. For eReefs, the Water Quality vocabulary will be used as the fillers. relationship to a spatial definition: This allows the spatial extend of the dataset to be described, e.g. a bounding box, or point. In this case we're extending the WGS84 geo ontology (see The spatial property extends the DC Terms ontology property dcterms:spatial. relationship to a temporal definition: This allows the dataset's observations start and end time to be captured. The temporal property extends the DC Terms ontology property dcterms:temporal. Where possible, we have tried to align these ontology definitions to existing definitions, i.e. DCAT, DC terms, WGS84, WQ vocabs/ontologies. DC ontologies are used for their properties as annotations of its source and the organisations.

Other existing vocabularies that might be considered are:

(Draft) ISO ontologies (lots of baggage/imports)


Example DPNS

      a       dpn:Dataset ;
      rdfs:label "ereefs-mwq"^^xsd:string ;
              [ a       dpn:Observation ;
                dpn:relatedFeature <> ;
                        <> ;
              ] ;
              [ a       dpn:Observation ;
                dpn:relatedFeature <> ;
                        <> ;
              ] ;
              [ a       dpn:Observation ;
                dpn:relatedFeature <> ;
                        <> ;
              ] ;
              [ a       dpn:BoundingBox ;
                        [ a       geo:Point ;
                          geo:lat "154.9935"^^xsd:string ;
                          geo:long "-26.5041"^^xsd:string
                        ] ;
                        [ a       geo:Point ;
                          geo:lat "142.4000"^^xsd:string ;
                          geo:long "-8.9979"^^xsd:string
              ] ;
              [ a       dpn:TimeInterval ;
                dpn:end "2013-08-31T04:34:59Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
                dpn:start "2002-07-05T03:14:59Z"^^xsd:dateTime
              ] ;
      dc:publisher groups:CSIRO_Ocean_Colour ;
              [ a       dpn:BoundingBox
              ] ;
      dc:title "eReefs Marine Water Quality Dataset"^^xsd:string ;
      skos:prefLabel "eReefs Marine Water Quality Dataset"^^xsd:string .

##Example SPARQL

With DPNS we can define SPARQL queries for discovering available datasets and get more information about them. The example below gives a SPARQL query for all datasets with their temporal descriptions and any observation properties associated with the dataset.

SELECT ?d ?group ?startTime ?endTime ?qk ?substanceTaxon ?feature
    ?d a dpn:Dataset .
    ?d dc:publisher ?group .
    ?service dpn:hostsDataset ?d 
    ?d dpn:temporal/dpn:start ?startTime .
    ?d dpn:temporal/dpn:end ?endTime .
    ?d dpn:spatial/dpn:bbBottomRight ?bbBottom .
    ?d dpn:spatial/dpn:bbTopLeft ?bbTop .
    ?d dpn:relatedObservationType/dpn:relatedQuantityKind ?qk .
    ?d dpn:relatedObservationType/dpn:relatedSubstanceOrTaxon ?substanceTaxon .
    ?d dpn:relatedObservationType/dpn:relatedFeature ?feature.