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Example: eReefs Hydrodynamic Node

Jonathan Yu edited this page Feb 7, 2017 · 1 revision

DPN Hydrodynamic node

@prefix :        <> .
@prefix dcterms:  <> .
@prefix dpn:     <> .
@prefix dpn-hy-bgc:  <> .
@prefix dpns:    <> .
@prefix ds:      <> .
@prefix er-dataset:  <> .
@prefix foaf:    <> .
@prefix org:     <> .
@prefix owl:     <> .
@prefix rdf:     <> .
@prefix rdfs:    <> .
@prefix skos:    <> .
@prefix vcard:   <> .
@prefix xsd:     <> .

      rdf:type dpn:Dataset ;
      rdfs:label "GBR1 hydrodynamic model"^^xsd:string ;
      er-dataset:catalog <> ;
      skos:altLabel "gbr1_2.0"^^xsd:string .

      rdf:type dpn:Dataset ;
      rdfs:label "GBR4 hydrodynamic model"^^xsd:string ;
      er-dataset:catalog <> ;
      skos:altLabel "gbr4_2.0"^^xsd:string .

      rdf:type dpn:Dataset ;
      rdfs:label "GBR4 hydrodynamic data assimilated model"^^xsd:string ;
      er-dataset:catalog <> ;
      skos:altLabel "gbr4_da"^^xsd:string .

      rdf:type dpn:Dataset ;
      rdfs:label "GBR4 BGC and sediments v924 (2014-2016)"^^xsd:string ;
      er-dataset:catalog <> ;
      skos:altLabel "gbr4_bgc_924"^^xsd:string .
      rdf:type dpn:Dataset ;
      rdfs:label "GBR1 BGC and sediments v924 (2014-2016)"^^xsd:string ;
      er-dataset:catalog <> ;
      skos:altLabel "gbr1_bgc_924"^^xsd:string .	  

      rdf:type dpn:Dataset ;
      rdfs:label "GBR4 chunking test data"^^xsd:string ;
      er-dataset:catalog <> ;
      skos:altLabel "gbr4_test"^^xsd:string .

      rdf:type dpn:Dataset ;
      rdfs:label "GBR1 chunking test data"^^xsd:string ;
      er-dataset:catalog <> ;
      skos:altLabel "gbr1_test"^^xsd:string .

      rdf:type dpn:Dataset ;
      rdfs:label "GBR4 BGC and sediments v926 (2010-2014)"^^xsd:string ;
      er-dataset:catalog <> ;
      skos:altLabel "gbr4_bgc_924"^^xsd:string .

      rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
      owl:imports <> , <> , <> .

      rdf:type foaf:Person ;
      rdfs:label "Farhan Rizwi"^^xsd:string ;
      skos:prefLabel "Farhan Rizwi"^^xsd:string ;
      vcard:email <> .

      rdf:type dpns:ThreddsCatalog ;
      rdfs:label "hy-bgc-thredds-catalog"^^xsd:string ;
      dpn:endpoint <> .

      rdf:type org:Organization ;
      rdfs:label "CSIRO Coastal Modelling Group"^^xsd:string ;
      dpn:contactPoint dpn-hy-bgc:FarhanRizwi ;
      dpn:hostsNode <> ;
      org:hasMember dpn-hy-bgc:FarhanRizwi .

      rdf:type dpn:Node ;
      rdfs:label "CSIRO Environmental Modelling Data Node"^^xsd:string ;
      dcterms:publisher <> ;
      dpn:exposesService <> .

      rdf:type dpns:THREDDS ;
      rdfs:label "Hydrodynamic node thredds service"^^xsd:string ;
      dpn:catalog dpn-hy-bgc:hy-bgc-thredds-catalog ;
      dpn:endpoint <> ;
      dpn:hostsDataset <> , <> , <> , <> , <> , <> ;
      dpn:node <> .