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Plugin Configuration

Derrick Gold edited this page Apr 28, 2016 · 2 revisions

##Plugin Configuration File This file is located in the Plugin's base directory and must be called plugin.conf. It contains the necessary information to define what sort of behavior a plugin has (One Shot, Period, or Persistent), and what resources is available for the plugin to load to the display.

These options can be redefined multiple times in the file. Typically, later declarations will override the previous declared. true and false values are currently case sensitive; they must be all lowercase.

These are the following options that can be added to the config file:

Option Description Optional Expected Value Dependent Options
description Short description describing the plugin YES A one line string of characters Nothing
html-path Path to the Plugin's html file that is sent to the display YES relative or absolute filepath Nothing
js-path:* Path to the Plugin's javascript file to include with the Plugin client YES relative or absolute filepath Nothing
js-main-obj Javascript class object name that is instantiated on Plugin load. Requires at least one JS path option with the class object defined YES a string referring to the class name js-path
css-path:* Path to the Plugin's css file that is sent to the display YES relative or absolute filepath Nothing
script-path Path to an executable file which updates the Plugin's display YES relative or absolute filepath Nothing
script-timer Adds a Plugin to the master scheduler. Ignored if script-background is defined. YES Expects an integer value representing seconds. Negative sign indicates One Shot Script execution. Plugin waits X number of seconds before execution. script-path and without script-background defined
script-process Pre-processing script outputs. YES clear or append. clear will clear the Plugin client's div before adding script output. append will add new script output to the current script output. Only valid for One Shot or Periodic Scripts script-timer and script-path defined
script-background Sets a script to run as a Persistent Script in the background YES true or false. Persistent Scripts ignore all other script options except script-path script-path
start-on-load Indicates if a script should start when the Smart Reflect Server application is started YES true or false Nothing
webgui-path A path to an html file a plugin may refer to for its own web gui accessible by the plugin daemon gui YES Path to an html file. Nothing

NOTE: Any option not listed above will be ignored

The options marked with * support multiple defined values. The value options must have a 'tag' suffix indicating a unique identifier for the file. For example:

js-path:0 = test.js
js-path:1 = test2.js

##Creating Comments You can leave comments in the configuration file as long as # is the first character in the line

##Sample plugin.conf

#This is a comment!

#set a css path to include for plugin's client

#set javascript path to include for plugin's client

#set html file to include for a plugin's client

#When javascript file loads, instantiate this class object
#Must contain a destroy function (no arguments)

#make plugin start on mirror load
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