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Running with Docker

Derrick Gold edited this page May 27, 2016 · 1 revision

#Running with Docker The DockerScripts folder of this project contains a Dockerfile and other scripts necessary for creating a Docker container for running the server. This is useful for creating a development environment for creating plugins without cluttering your own system. To build the container, open the DockerScripts folder in your terminal and run:

$ docker build -t smartreflect .

Once the container is built, you can run the container using the script in the same folder:

$ -d ../PluginDaemon/web/Plugins -p 5000

Where the -d argument is the folder to mount for persistent plugin use, and -p specifies the port to use.

##OSX Hosts On OSX docker hosts (via docker-machine), you may need to modify the network setup on the virtual machine with another network adapter to run as bridge mode. This will let external devices (i.e. your smart phone) connect to the web interface.

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