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swt edited this page Mar 13, 2018 · 6 revisions

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The WisLora is WisAp and Lora gateway, here to use RAK831



Here the RAK831 is Lora Gateway

Connect RAK831 To WisAp

RAK831 		WisAp
  5V    <===>    5V
  GND   <===>    GND
  RST   <===>    GPIO0

  SCK   <===>    SPI_CLK

  CSN   <===> 	 SPI_CS

  MISO  <===>    SPI_MISO

  MOSI  <===>    SPI_MOSI

Required Hardware

Before you get started, let's review what you'll need.

  1. WisAp development board - Buy at Rakwireless - wisapBoard
  2. Micro-USB power cable
  3. Lora Gateway - RAK831

Compile SDK

Step 1: Clone SDK

Open terminal, and type the following:

cd Desktop
git clone

Step 2: to set compile environment

Before you run make, you need to set compile environment for the products you use with, now we want to use the wisap, so we should choose wisAp products types.

cd ~/Desktop/WisCore-SDK
./build/ wisLora hgw

Step 3: Run Make to compile


Finally compiled generated files firmware in the folder out/target/bin

Note: if you have selected the product and want to comiple other product,you need "make clean" then rebuild

Burn firmware to the board

cp ~/Desktop/WisCore-SDK/out/target/bin/firmware /windows/

How to burn firmware to Board

To Use LoraGW

  1. Register an account in The Things Network Control, then login and register gateway
  • Click "GATEWAYS"
  • Click "register gateway"
  • Fill in, "Gateway EUI" is unique and must consist of exactly 8 bytes hexadecimal, and choose "Frequency Plan", here use 868MHz
  • Click "Register Gateway"
  • Finally you will see the gateway overview, and Status is not connected
  1. Connect RAK831 to WisAp

  2. Power on, then setup wifi

  3. Check the connection of RAK831 and WisAp, excute:


It will display:

if failed, you need check the connnection, or you can restart lora gateway start
  1. Change the ID and Service

in the configures, you should change the ID which you have registered "Gateway EUI", and you can use lora servece, here service is "", port is "1700"

vi /usr/bin/packet_forwarder/local_conf.json
vi /usr/bin/packet_forwarder/global_conf.json
  1. Start Lora Gateway


Finally you can see the Status is connected in the gateway overview, then the gateway will be started and you can use it.