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Setup Wireless

swt edited this page Dec 23, 2017 · 6 revisions

Setup Wireless


WisProduct is set to "Access Point Mode" as default, and you have to connect it to an existing wireless network before enjoying the speech recognition with the Internet.

when first power on the WisAvs module's wireless is "Access Point Mode",the blue LED blinks fast,and the ssid is "WisProduct_xxxxxx",such as "WisCore_EE000C" or "WisAp_EE000C"

Three are two methods to setup wireless:

to setup Wi-Fi through App

Download APP: IOS:Ios app store Android:wiscore


  1. Power on, wait some times, then you will see the led quick flash and search wireless id “WisCore_mac address”, this is ap mode.

  2. Connect to your router

  1. open the app “WisCore”, click “+” to add network, if the led flashed quickly select the “LED status” ,then “Continue”, input the password of router, and click "Continue"

  1. And then "Go Settings" to connect the WiFi of wiscore, after return to the App you will see a progress bar, wait a few seconds it will access ,and led flash seconds slowly, finally the led always on. Ensure your phone and module connect to the same router.

  1. If configure Success, you can click “Let's go!”, it will skip to the main page, and you will find the device.

to setup Wi-Fi through CommandLine

In this way, you first need access the serial console - setup console, in the terminal, you can use commands to setup Wi-Fi params to connect a router.

  1. Set Wi-Fi Mode: to switch from AP to Station mode
        uci set wireless.radio0.linkit_mode=sta
  2. Set associate a route with SSID:
        uci set wireless.sta.ssid=<YOUR ROUTER SSID>
  3. Set Password & Encryption:
        uci set wireless.sta.key=<YOUR ROUTER PASSWORD>
        uci set wireless.sta.encryption=psk2
  4. Commit to save the params:
    uci commit wireless
  5. Restart Network Or re-power:
    /etc/init.d/network restart

to setup Wi-Fi through Website

  1. Power on, when the blue LED blinks, it in AP mode, then connect wireless "WisProduct_macaddr"

  2. input url:

  3. set password, and click "SUBMIT", then re-input password, and click "SIGN IN"

  4. in the website, click "Network" ,in "AP mode" you can change "Network name" and "Password" If you want to connect it to a router,please continue

  1. click "Station mode", then click "Detected Wi-Fi network"

And you will see your router's SSID, if not click "REFRESH", then re-click

  1. input password,and click "CONFIGURE & RESTART"

  1. then it will display a reminder, click "ok"

  1. a few seconds later, it will restart with "Station mode"

"Station Mode"

Finally the module will be "station mode", in this mode, you can set console and use command line "ifconfig" to check the IP address, the "apcli0" interface is station message, and the blue LED is ON always

Recover "Access Point mode"

If you want to recover to "Access Point mode", press SW1 button about 5 seconds. A few minutes later, it will restart in "Access Point mode", and the blue LED blinks fast