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dfabulich edited this page Nov 16, 2016 · 6 revisions


greenworks.saveTextToFile(file_name, file_content, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • file_name String
  • file_content String
  • success_callback Function()
  • error_callback Function(err)

greenworks.readTextFromFile(file_name, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • file_name String
  • success_callback Function(file_content)
    • file_content String: represents the content of file_name file.
  • error_callback Function(err)

greenworks.deleteFile(file_name, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • file_name String
  • success_callback Function()
  • error_callback Function(err)

greenworks.saveFilesToCloud(files_path, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • files_path Array of String: The files' path on local machine.
  • success_callback Function()
  • error_callback Function(err)

Writes mutilple local files to Steam Cloud.


Returns a Boolean indicates whether cloud is enabled in general for the current Steam account.


Returns a Boolean indicates whether cloud is enabled for the current app. This might return true independently of greenworks.isCloudEnabledForUser(). Keep in mind that the general account setting has priority over the app specific setting. So you might want to check isCloudEnabledForUser() first.


  • flag Boolean

Enables/Disables the cloud feature for the current app. Keep in mind that your app won't sync anything to the user's cloud if he disabled it at top level (see greenworks.isCloudEnabledForUser()).

greenworks.getCloudQuota(success_callback, [error_callback])

  • success_callback Function(total_bytes, available_bytes)
    • total_bytes Integer: total bytes of quota
    • available_bytes Integer: available bytes of quota
  • error_callback Function(err)