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hokein edited this page Oct 22, 2014 · 11 revisions



Represents Steam SDK EUGCMatchingUGCType, matching UGC types for queries.

  • Items
  • ItemsMtx
  • ItemsReadyToUse
  • Collections
  • Artwork
  • Videos
  • Screenshots
  • AllGuides
  • WebGuides
  • IntegratedGuides
  • UsableInGame
  • ControllerBindings


Represents Steam SDK EUGCQuery, combination of sorting and filtering for queries across all UGC.

  • RankedByVote
  • RankedByPublicationDate
  • AcceptedForGameRankedByAcceptanceDate
  • RankedByTrend
  • FavoritedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate
  • CreatedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate
  • RankedByNumTimesReported
  • CreatedByFollowedUsersRankedByPublicationDate
  • NotYetRated
  • RankedByTotalVotesAsc
  • RankedByVotesUp
  • RankedByTextSearch


Represents Steam SDK SteamUGCDetails_t(return by greenworks.ugcGetItems), details for a single published file/UGC

  • acceptForUse Boolean: Whether is flaged as accepted in Steam workshop.
  • banned Boolean: Whether is banned
  • tagsTruncated Boolean: Whether the list of tags is too long to be returned in provided buffer.
  • fileType Integer: Type of the file
  • result Integer: Result of the operation.
    • 1: Success
    • Others: Fail
  • visibility Integer: the visiblility of the file
    • 0: Public
    • 1: FriendsOnly
    • 2: Private
  • score Double: Calculated score
  • file String: Represents uint64, file handle
  • fileName String: Cloud file name of the primary file
  • fileSize Integer: Size of the primary file
  • previewFile String: Represents uint64, handle of preview file
  • previewFileSize Integer: Size of preview file
  • steamIDOwner String: Represents uint64, Steam ID of user who created the file.
  • consumerAppID Integer: ID of app that consumes the file
  • creatorAppID Integer: ID of app that created the file
  • publishedFileId String: Represents uint64, the file ID
  • title String: Title of the file
  • description String: Description of the file
  • URL String:
  • tags String: List of tags, separated by comma.
  • timeAddedToUserList Integer: Time when user added this file to list.
  • timeCreated Integer: Time when the file was created
  • timeUpdated Integer: Time when the file is last updated.
  • votesDown Integer: Number of votes down
  • votesUp Integer: Number of votes up


Represents Steam SDK EUserUGCList, different lists of published UGC for a user.

  • Published
  • VotedOn
  • VotedUp
  • VotedDown
  • WillVoteLater
  • Favorited
  • Subscribed
  • UsedOrPlayer
  • Followed


Represents Steam SDK EUserUGCListSortOrder, sort order for user published UGC lists

  • CreationOrderDesc
  • CreationOrderAsc
  • TitleAsc
  • LastUpdatedDesc
  • SubscriptionDateDesc
  • VoteScoreDesc
  • ForModeration


greenworks.fileShare(file_path, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • file_path String
  • success_calback Function(file_handle)
    • file_handle String: Represents uint64, the file handle that can be shared with users and features
  • error_callback Function(err)

greenworks.publishWorkshopFile(file_path, image_path, title, description, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • file_path String
  • image_path String
  • title String
  • description String
  • success_callback Function(publish_file_handle)
    • publish_file_handle String: Represents uint64, the published file handle
  • error_callback Function(err)

Publish file_path workshop item on Steam. The files file_path and image_path need to be existed on Steam Cloud(Using writeTextToFile or saveFilesToCloud API) and get shared(Using Greenworks.fileShare) first.

An empty String of image_path means no image for the workshp item.

greenworks.updatePublishedWorkshopFile(published_file_handle, file_path, image_path, title, description, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • published_file_handle String: Represents uint64, the published file handle.
  • file_path String
  • image_path String
  • title String
  • description String
  • success_callback Function()
  • error_callback Function(err)

An empty String of file_path/image_path/title/description means no update of that field.

greenworks.ugcPublish(file_path, title, description, image_path, success_callback, [error_callback], [progress_callback])

  • file_path String
  • title String
  • description String
  • image_path String
  • success_callback Function(published_file_handle)
    • published_file_handle String: Represents uint64, the published file handle
  • error_callback Function(err)
  • progress_callback Function(progress_msg)
    • progress_msg String: current process during publish period: Completed on saving files to Steam Cloud, Completed on sharing files.

Publishes user generated content(ugc) to Steam workshop.

greenworks.ugcPublishUpdate(published_file_handle, file_path, title, description, image_path, success_callback, [error_callback], [progress_callback])

  • published_file_handle String: Represents uint64, the published file handle
  • file_path String
  • title String
  • description String
  • image_path String
  • success_callback Function()
  • error_callback Function(err)
  • progress_callback Function(progress_msg)
    • progress_msg String: current process during publish-update period: Completed on saving files to Steam Cloud, Completed on sharing files.

Updates published ugc.

greenworks.ugcGetItems(ugc_matching_type, ugc_query_type, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • ugc_matching_type greenworks.UGCMatchingType
  • ugc_query_type greenworks.UGCQueryType
  • success_callback Function(items)
    • items Array of SteamUGCDetails Object
  • error_callback Function(err)

greenworks.ugcGetUserItems(ugc_matching_type, ugc_list_sort_order, ugc_list, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • ugc_matching_type greenworks.UGCMatchingType
  • ugc_list_sort_order greenworks.UserUGCListSortOrder
  • ugc_list greenworks.UserUGCList
  • success_callback Function(items)
    • items Array of SteamUGCDetails Object
  • error_callback Function(err)

greenworks.ugcDownloadItem(download_file_handle, download_dir, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • download_file_handle String: Represents uint64, the download file handle
  • download_dir String: The file path saving the download file on local machine
  • success_callback Function()
  • error_callback Function(err)

greenworks.ugcSynchronizeItems(sync_dir, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • sync_dir String: The directory to download the sync workshop item.
  • success_callback Function(items)
    • items Array of Object
      • SteamUGCDetails
      • isUpdated Boolean: Whether the item is updated in this function call
  • error_callback Function(err)

This API will download/synchronize user's workitems(UserUGCList.Subscribed, UserMatchingType.Items) to the local sync_dir.(Only updated if the last updated time of the item is different with Steam Cloud or the workitem isn't existed in local)

greenworks.ugcUnsubscribe(published_file_handle, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • published_file_handle String: Represent uint64, the file handle of unsubscribed published workshp item(SteamUGCDetails.publishedFileId).
  • success_callback Function()
  • error_callback Function(err)


  • published_file_id String: Represent uint64, the id of published file.

Shows the Steam overlay pointed to Steam's workshop page or to the specified workshop item.

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