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Steam Authentication APIs

jahrain edited this page Sep 1, 2015 · 2 revisions

greenworks.getAuthSessionTicket(success_callback, [error_callback])

  • success_callback Function(ticket)
    • ticket Object: Contains the hex encoded session ticket value as well as the handle integer value.
  • error_callback Function(err)

The hex encoded ticket value can be used directly for the Web API ISteamUserAuth/AuthenticateUserTicket to securely obtain an authenticated Steam ID from your game server. The handle is needed to invalidate the ticket after if it has not been used.


  • ticket_handle Integer: The handle value returned from the ticket.

This will invalidate a requested session ticket.

greenworks.getEncryptedAppTicket(user_data, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • user_data String: Arbitrary data that will be encrypted into the ticket. This will be utf-8 encoded when stored in the ticket.
  • success_callback Function(ticket)
    • ticket String: Contains the hex encoded encrypted ticket.
  • error_callback Function(err)

Encrypted tickets can be used to obtain authenticated Steam IDs from clients without requiring network requests to Steam's API servers. These tickets can be decrypted using your Encrypted App Ticket Key. Once decrypted, the user's Steam ID, App ID, and VAC ban status can be read from the ticket using the Steamworks Encrypted App Ticket library provided in the SDK.