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Meeting agenda 2019 05 13

Greg Wilson edited this page May 28, 2019 · 1 revision


Please add more items as comments on this PR or by emailing Madeleine.

  • Introductions (5 min)

  • Proposal: use Spyder as the novice Python IDE (#53, 2 min, Elizabeth or Joel or Madeleine)

  • Proposal: survey our group about persona categories (#60, background #8, 5 min, Madeleine and Brandeis)

  • Discussion: choosing example datasets that will be used in parallel throughout book (#14, 10 min, various)

  • Discussion: should we work in forks or all in the one repo? (#33, 5 min, Greg)

  • Proposal: workflow for updates to existing chapters (#50, 5 min, Greg)

  • Proposal: agree on exercises before writing chapters (#59, 5 min, Greg)

  • Proposal: map out the two semesters (#56, 10 min, Damien)

  • Who wants to work on what content (10 min)

    • Novice R (#11): Luke, Kate, Charlotte
    • Novice Python (#12): Christina, Madeleine, Joel, Brandeis, Elizabeth
    • Intermediate (#13): Damien, Katy, Greg, Jonathan
    • Uncommitted: Dhavide, Matt
  • Choose date and moderator for next meeting (5 min)


  • Attendees
    • Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher (moderator)
    • Greg Wilson (note taker)
    • Brandeis Marshall
    • Charlotte Wickham
    • Joel Ostblom
    • Jonathan Dursi
    • Damien Irving
    • Kate Hertweck
    • Elizabeth Wickes
  • Use Zoom chat for votes
  • Use Spyder as IDE for Python (#53): all votes +1 or 0 - motion passes
  • Are we OK with doing a survey for personas? (#8 and #60): all votes +1 or 0 - motion passes
  • Include CO2 in example datasets (#14): all +1
    • Action on DI: get datasets from three sites into consistent format
  • Action on MBF: look into AirBnB data and find out if we can use it (#14)
    • Include discussion in book of how we figured out whether we could use the data
    • Rely on Wayback Machine if necessary
    • Vote: all +1
    • Action on GW: help MBF
  • Use forks or use branches in one big repo (#33)?
    • Preference is for forks
    • Sub-proposal (EW): use wiki pages for agenda: passes
  • Adopt issue/PR workflow for revisions to chapter (#50): passes
  • Draft exercises before writing new chapters (#59): passes
    • EW suggests recycling exercises from OER: general agreement
  • Map out the two semesters (#56): passes
  • Proposal: have book outlines and a dozen exercises by the next meeting (May 27): passes
  • Moderator for next meeting: Damien Irving