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Meeting agenda 2020 08 27

Damien Irving edited this page Aug 27, 2020 · 4 revisions


  • Randi Cohen (Taylor & Francis)
  • Kate Hertweck
  • Damien Irving
  • Luke Johnston
  • Joel Ostblom
  • Charlotte Wickham
  • Greg Wilson
  1. Introductions
  2. Randi: the road ahead
    • Once we have author-final draft, we can get manuscript reviewed while it's being tweaked
    • We got quick-and-dirty reviews for the proposal, but we can do more detailed
    • Send it out to people working in the community (academics & professionals), ask for comments
      • Authors can recommend reviewers
    • We make tweaks and send to production: full copy-edit
    • The editors prepare the final files and send it to the printer
    • We will publish the book paperback (low cost), hardback (more expensive), and e-book
    • We then start marketing it: social media, take it to conferences, etc.
    • If any of the authors have speaking engagements, T&F can send flyers etc.
    • The license allows us to keep it online
  3. Q&A
    • Timeline: four months from end to end
      • Max 30 days to review corrections
    • Figures: sometimes there's a quality issue
      • Assistant will review at the start and flag things that need redone
      • Still sometimes needs to be fixed in production
    • Be careful about sourcing: get permissions!
      • We have access to stock photo
    • What about screenshots?
      • They're OK but not ideal
      • Check it in the PDF
    • Try to get 5-10 reviewers, happy to get 5
    • Reviewer decides if it's anonymous
  4. Timelines
    • KH: two more weeks and ready for review; turnaround of about a month once we get reviews
    • CW: have some time in the next month; need to be assigned very specific tasks to get things done (no Python); busy 'til Thanksgiving then less busy 'til April
    • LJ: next two weeks are busy; much less busy in October
    • DI: exercises and solutions, keypoints and learning objectives; chapters in second half need more exercises and all solutions
      • RC: not essential if exercises & solutions are completed before review
      • RC: leave solutions in appendix
      • RC: leave code in GitHub w/ link

To do:

  • Get reviewer names to RC (see #455)
  • Finalize learning objectives and key points
  • Check figure quality in PDF and online
  • Exercises