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Meeting agenda 2020 08 13

Damien Irving edited this page Aug 13, 2020 · 4 revisions


  1. Publisher contracts (#375 royalties)
    • Manning
      • 2020-12-01 deadline
      • CC-BY-NC
      • 10% royalty
      • 25 copies
    • Taylor & Francis
      • 2020-09-01 deadline
      • CC-BY-NC
      • 15% royalty
      • 10 copies each
  2. Things still to do (we should put names to tasks):


  • Charlotte, Kate, Damien, and Greg all prefer the Taylor & Francis offer - earlier delivery date, higher royalties
  • Please can everyone write two exercises next week and two the week after. We don’t need a fixed number of exercises per chapter; the better way to think of it is that we need roughly the same amount of homework for learners each week (figuring a chapter is a week), so a few big exercises are the same value as a handful of smaller ones.
  • We’ll do learning objectives and key points after everything else has settled down.
  • Greg volunteered to write the missing glossary entries and update the bibliography.
  • We’re going to include setup instructions as an appendix (Damien).
  • We need figures… anyone feeling artistic?
  • We’re going to keep all of the appendices we currently have and add a short one on conda and the final directory tree (Damien assigned). If the publisher doesn’t like any of the appendices, we’ll cut then.
  • The page needs a complete overhaul - we are hoping Luke is willing and able to tackle this?
  • Damien is going to tackle the narrative bug fix about the shebang, Greg will find someone to sort out the import utilities bug.
  • Please have a look at and vote for which image you want on the cover.