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Coordinating Meeting April 24 2020 11:30 am AST

Wilhelmina Randtke edited this page May 14, 2020 · 7 revisions
  • Chair: Martha Tenney
  • Notes: Aaron Choate

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:


Old Business

New Business

  • Drupal Association
  • Crossword test

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Martha or Gavin)
  • Multi-tenancy Interest Group (Brandon)

Islandora 8

Islandora Camps

Round Table

Next meeting May 8

  • Chair: Aaron Choate
  • Notes: Wilhelmina Randtke


  • Islandora Online
    • Instead of trying to rebuild a normal Islandora camp online, have 4 hour chunks of the day staggered at different hours in order to accomodate the west coast and Europe.
    • Need to work in time for folks to unplug, and make sure people know that we're here regardless, and you can turn zoom off if you need to.
    • Looking for topics:
      • Metadata and ISLE were mentioned as possible topics
  • We joined the Drupal Association!
  • We did a crossword puzzle!
  • Interest Group Updates
    • MIG
      • Last meeting was a good talk with lots of questions on slack about structure, blank nodes, etc... We may want to provide a "recommended" profile.
    • IR Interest Group
      • Bryan Brown demoed embargoes using just Drupal 8
    • ISLE
      • ISLE 8 work is progressing
      • ISLE 7 had a release
    • Multitenancy
      • Eli just went on parental leave, so things have stalled for a bit.
      • New interest in decoupled Drupal is opening up new options for multi-tenancy
  • Islandora 8
    • Code and build are stable for 1.1.0. Currently running through updating from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 so that we can provide and upgrade path for the handful of existing sites.
  • Camps
    • We're doing them virtually
  • Roundtable
    • Amy
      • ICG figuring out what to do with their next HackDoc that will now be held virtually
    • Don
      • Shared a report on security
    • Jeff
      • Reviewing all metadata in preparation for moving to 8
    • Mike
      • Two new multisites for the Connecticut Historical Society
    • Rosie
      • RDM project is a wrap! Gave a final demo
        • Dataset content type
        • Derivatives
        • Workflow
        • DOI Minting
        • Data Management Planning Tool
        • Entity export
        • Migration
        • OAI-PMH
        • orcId integration
        • AltMetrics
        • Usage stats blocks
    • Wei
      • Having tons of fun WFH
      • Evaluating and exploring Islandora 8 at UManitoba
    • Wilhelmina
      • Still doing Digital Library Platform Selection
      • Drupal 7 EOL is coming up fast

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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