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Coordinating Meeting October 9 2020 11:30 am AST

Janice Banser edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 5 revisions
  • Chair: Dan Aitken
  • Notes: Janice Banser

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Melissa Anex, Wei Xuan, Rosie Le Faive, Jeffrey Rubin, Amy Blau, Danny Lamb, Mike Kemezis, Brandon Weigel, David Wilcox, Daniel Atkin, Dara Virks, Don Richards, Mirko Hanke, Janice Banser


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan)
  • Multi-tenancy Interest Group (Brandon)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Jeff, Melissa, or Mirko)

Islandora 8

Islandora Events

Round Table

Next meeting Oct 23

  • Chair: Janice Banser
  • Notes: Wei Xuan


New Business

  • Soliciting feedback on Strategic Initiatives
    • What we’re actively working on this year 20/21
    • Please review and comment on google doc Strategic Initiatives
    • Feedback welcome from larger Islandora community

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
    • Discussion about technical metadata. Two types interested in, some automatically derived from file, the other type needs to be entered, eg. who did the scanning, what machine object scanned on. Is ‘event’ metadata. Have two new co-coveners. Paige Morfitt and Kristina Spurgin
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan)
    • Working through next steps, and documentation on PRs
  • Multi-tenancy Interest Group (Brandon)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Jeff, Melissa, or Mirko)
    • Initial meeting well attended, set day/time to meet, every two weeks to start
    • Discussed scope and what expectations are and what and how to improve documentation
    • working on updated style guide

Islandora 8

ISLE sprint planned for Nov 2. Will be a heavy documentation component. Working on ISLE sandbox
Also looking to hold one more sprint before December, focus on D9 updating.

Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) update Grant work started last month Figuring out requirements and doing a gap analysis Have initial metadata mapping (Whitman)

Islandora Events

  • Open Meeting
    • Sandbox time for Islandora users *Looking for feedback from the Coordinating Committee before next meeting
    • Rosie is working on a content model for simple book with multimedia attachments versus compound book. Would like it working before the Open sandbox meeting.
    • Question about page annotations, work still needs to happen on this.

Round Table

  • Dan Aitken - work done to publicize IR work, just need to make it public on github
  • Danny Lamb - working on migrate_7x_claw stuff with ICG
  • Brandon Weigel - working on I7 module on traditional knowledge labels, working with indigenous communities
  • David Wilcox - Releasing 6.0 and will be testing with I8, ISLE specifically
  • Jeff Rubin - migrating current I7 to ISLE 7
  • Mike Kemezis - working on using Fedora as a digital preservation layer for traditional knowledge and exposing some of the content to Islandora, some info would remain dark, not public.
  • Mirko Hanke - started work on migration projects, involving complex asset into Islandora, first time using compound objects
  • Rose Le Faive - worked on ISLE documentation. Looking into ways of being able to use Drupal fields, but not locking data into being specific lengths/formats. Storing in XML maybe, look at having standard basic fields. UPEI part of capstone project using LOC newspaper navigator. Working on content model for oral history , with subtitle tracks, treat transcription as an object. Would like use cases if you have any.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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