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Roadmap Meeting July 21st 2017 11:30 am AST

Bryan J. Brown edited this page Jul 21, 2017 · 5 revisions
  • Chair: Gavin Morris
  • Notes: Bryan Brown

Per: Schedule


  • Bryan Brown
  • Don Moses
  • Melissa Anez
  • Diego Pino
  • Mark Jordan
  • Gavin Morris
  • David Wilcox
  • Jordan Fields
  • Danny Lamb
  • Martha Tenney from ICG


Old Business

New Business

  • Pull request as "CC0" with no CLA? Example
  • Follow up from AGM

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)
  • Oral Histories Interest Group (Kim)
  • UI Interest Group (Rosie?)


Islandora Camps

  • iCampEU - official bid

Round Table

Next meeting:

  • Chair: Bryan Brown
  • Notes: Jon Green


New Business

  • PRs w/o CLAs
    • islanodra_ocr PR #82 is an example, author doesn't understand CLA request and wants to contribute as CC0
    • We can't accept PRs w/o CLAs, too much risk
    • We could "redo" the PR, but new PR author takes on risk (if any)
    • Diego Pino volunteers to do it
  • Follow up from AGM
    • Islandoracon 2019 could be aligned with the AGM so that it could be delivered in person, as it has in previous years

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG hasn't met since they decided to meet irregularly, Melissa will ping to see if they are officially on hiatus
  • July 11th DevOps IG meeting notes
  • Metadata IG meeting was mostly about Samvera community's struggle with MODS to RDF mapping
    • Side discussion ensues regarding Solr indexing of CLAW node fields and MODS XML transformation into Drupal nodes
  • IR IG has no new meeting since last Roadmap call, next call is Monday at 3PM EST (

CLAW Updates

  • Lots of good CLAW calls lately with lively discussion, image node a good example of this
  • Danny has been working on defining what it means to be a stakeholder in order to make committments for CLAW install sprint more clear

Islandora Camp Updates

  • A few bidders iCampEU hosts, main is
  • No objections to holding iCampEU in Zurich
  • A few more camps on the horizon


⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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