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Coordinating Meeting May 7 2021 11:30 am AST

ianysong edited this page May 7, 2021 · 15 revisions

Chair: Dan Aiken

Notes: Ian Song

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Amy Blau,Arran Griffith,Bethany Seeger,Brandon Weigel,Danny Lamb,David Wilcox,Don Richards,Ian Song, Mike Kemezis, Mirko Hanke,Rosie Le Faive


Old Business

New Business

  • Proposal: Islandora Online 2021 by Arran

    • Reviewed how the Islandora Online 2020 was organized and planned last year
    • Possibility of organizing two-year Islandora Camp. Meeting in person is still challenging in near future due to the pandemic. Islandora online seems ideal in the current circumstance
    • Some details discussed: interact activities, length of the event, workshops (such as Docker 101), date chosen (some may take vacation in summer), time zone, possible open meeting
    • Arran will prepare some details for next meeting
  • Canadian Grant funding opportunity for Islandora development

    • Email from Kirsta Stapelfeldt re: Canadian New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO) has provided preliminary information regarding its upcoming $20M Inaugural Funding Opportunity -
    • Any one interested in helping with these efforts? Can forward info to Kirsta/Donald for interested parties
    • Maybe reach out as ICC to see how we can assist?

Interest Group Updates

Islandora 8 (Danny and Rosie)

  • Some updates on "Advanced search module" and upload form (functional, but must be cautious when using it)
  • Lots of interesting in born digital materials, particular about install profile and theme, which integrated with isles and playbook
  • People do things differently without proper coaching
  • "Resource type" affects the behaviour
  • Newspaper content synchronization, changing theme and colour scheme
  • Only thing that Danny did not get for Sprint is Token stuff set up for IR, which will be in next release; need to go through metadata form
  • Sandbox in Islandora default from Rosie

Islandora Events: will focus on Islandora Online 2021. Open meeting is already scheduled on May 25

Round Table

  • David: Working on version 6 (Fedora) and set up the targets in June; working with Ingest samples, metadata, migration, and Islandora workbench
  • Ian: SFU uploaded two new collections to Islandora last week
  • Don: Install profile is my current focus
  • Mirko: Migration to Islandora 8;Using Islandora in special ways
  • Mike: Losing some data and working with IT; Annual meeting on June 18 will be posted soon.
  • Bethany: Working with open C Dragon, and access control by user, and S3
  • Rosie: Demo site (used at the Ireland Camp) moving to Islandora 8
  • Arran: Preparing some details (including a survey after the conference)for Islandora Online 2021 for next meeting

Next meeting June 4

  • Chair: Ian Song
  • Notes: Wei Xuan

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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