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Erik's notes for future dev

Erik edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 15 revisions

Bullet point items are complete


  • - Remove the null check and instead call item?.Clicked()

  • - Change .Clicked() to .Use()

  • UIInventoryPanel.cs can cause a performance bottleneck is too many items are picked up all at once (each triggering the UI to be updated). To fix this:

  • - Implement a "Dirty" flag to update the UI the next time is opened, rather than immediately upon item pickup.

  • EnemyAttackMelee.cs had this marked on it: //ToDo - Change tag functionality to selectable option in inspector rather than a hardcoded string. Alternatively, modify phsyics matrix to only allow interaction with player layer.

  • - ^ Look into this

  • Refactor SpawnPoint.cs a bit to make field and method names more generic, as well as set some methods to protected instead of public.

  • Look into using Mathf.clamp on CharacterHealth to clamp health between 0 and maxHealth, rather than an if statement.

  • Change CharacterHealthUI to use a slider instead of transform.

Remove LevelUp() method from CharacterLevel. PlayerLevel is now used for the player, so this should be a strict data class. (perhaps eliminate characterLevel altogether)

Modify CharacterLoot to have an item specific droprate, and not a character specific droprate.

Add another method to the ObjectPooler that returns a generic component type, rather than just GameObject by default.

Remove CompareTag from the EnemyAttackMelee. Tags are not intuitive. Just get the CharacterHealth component, and handle interactivity between entities using the physics matrix.

Remove EnemyAttackRanged dependency on animator.

Revisit EnemyHook's null checks. SpriteRenderer should not be optional. Rendering character visuals will likely be handled by an animator.

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