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Scale By Enemy Level

ErikOverflow edited this page Mar 27, 2019 · 4 revisions

Scale By Enemy Level requires a Character Level component and an Enemy Stats System component. This script derives from the abstract class Stat Augment.

This script augments the enemy's components by generating a multiplier based on configured values and applying it to the character's Health, Coins, and Damage values amongst its components.

There are 3 unique fields that are populated by the Enemy Hook:

  • Ramp
    • The linear increase in multiplier per level
  • Gate
    • The number of levels before a significant jump is added to the multiplier
  • Gate Jump
    • The exponential multiplier increase for every levels

There is one custom method for this script:

  • .Augment() (invoked by the Enemy Stats System. Calculates and applies the multiplier to the designated child components)

Multiplier Calculation:

⌊ ⌋ - round down

% - modulo

(<Gate Jump> ^ ⌊<Character Level> / <Gate>⌋) * (1 + (<Character Level> % <Gate>) * <Ramp>)
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