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DSPsandbox edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 2 revisions


MULTIPLY arithmetic with clear logic. In order to preserve a 32 bit depth, the multiplication output correspond to bits 62 down to 31 of the 64 bit wide bare multiplication. Hence, out=(in0*in1)/2^31 and the absolute gain of the multiplication is smaller than 1. This limitation is overcome by sending the output to a x32_shiftL module.

Please note that this core requires 4 of the 80 DSP slices available on your Redpitaya. If possible, consider substituting the multiplication with a suitable bit shift (see x32_shiftL and x32_shiftR).


Name Direction Width Comment
in0 Rx 32 bit
in1 Rx 32 bit
clr Rx 1 bit
out Tx 32 bit out=(in0*in1)/2^31 IF clr=0
out=0 IF clr=1

Pipeline latency (clk @ 125 MHz)

6 clk cycles.



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