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Releases: snowplow/enrich


16 Feb 14:09
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  • Bump postgresql to 42.2.25 (#554)
  • Bump jayway jsonpath to 2.7.0 (#555)
  • Bump lemonlabs scala-uri to 1.5.1 (#556)
  • Bump nsq-java-client to 1.3.0 (#557)
  • Update copyright notices to 2022 (#558)
  • Change docker base image to eclipse/temurin:11-jre-focal (#512)


20 Dec 14:46
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Bump aws sdks to 1.12.129 (#540)
Bump libthrift to 0.15.0 (#539)
Bump jackson to (#538)
Bump log4j-core to 2.17.0 (#537)


16 Dec 13:31
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  • Bump log4j-core to 2.16.0 (#524)
  • Bump slf4j to 1.7.32 (#525)
  • Bump scio to 0.11.1 (#526)
  • Bump sbt to 1.5.6 (#527)
  • Bump scala version to 2.12.15 (#532)
  • Bump amazon-kinesis-client to 0.14.5 (#533)


27 Oct 09:53
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Patch release for enrich-pubsub so that any excessively large failed event is properly converted to size_violation failed event before writing to the output stream. See #510.


10 Aug 09:21
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Patch release for enrich-pubsub so that it doesn't send attributes that are too long to PubSub. If an attribute is longer than 1024 characters, it is discarded.


21 May 16:05
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This release comes with a bug fix for our newest enrich app, Enrich PubSub, that surfaced itself when fetching schemas from Iglu Servers protected by an api key.


06 May 13:11
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Meet our newest asset Snowplow Enrich PubSub, which was first announced under the name fs2-enrich in version 1.4.0 with beta status!

Version 1.4.2 (2020-11-20)

20 Nov 12:36
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Patch release that makes it possible to use Sentry DSN with tags for Beam Enrich.


  • Stream: crash at startup if Sentry DSN is not correct (#399)
  • Beam: crash at startup if Sentry DSN is not correct (#398)
  • Beam: handle commas in Sentry DSN parameter (#391)

Version 1.4.1 (2020-11-02)

02 Nov 13:56
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1.4.1 comes with Scio 0.9.5 and a bug fix on deserialization of number fields in API Request Enrichment


  • Common: fix number deserialization in API Request Enrichment (#383)

Dependency updates:

  • Beam: Add missing tcnative dependency of Scio 0.9.5 (#389)
  • Beam: bump Scio to 0.9.5 (#381)

Version 1.4.0 (2020-10-21)

21 Oct 14:45
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New experimental enrich asset (enrich-fs2 aka New Horizons), multiple bug fixes, all known Snyk Maven and Docker fixes, JDK11, new YAUAA context.

New features

  • Stream FS2: add (#346)
  • Common: add benchmarking module (#370)
  • Common: add toThrift and toRaw methods to CollectorPayload (#345)


  • Common: switch to HostName.asInetAddress to validate IP addresses (#355)
  • Common: fix NullPointerException on serializing invalid state (#371)
  • Common: fix API Request Enrichment output deserialization (#374)
  • Common: fix PiiPseudonymizerEnrichment for arrays and improve unit tests coverage (#334)
  • Common: fix PII enrichment adding empty objects instead of missing properties (#351)
  • Common: fix PathNotFoundException in PII enrichment (#339)
  • Common: fix pattern matching against null in ScrambleMapFunction (#338)
  • Common: fix flaky ThriftLoader test (#306)
  • Common: handle empty query string parameters in adapters (#341)
  • Common: get rid of placeholder schema in enrichment configurations (#302)

Dependency updates

  • Beam: bump Scio to 0.9.3 (#308)
  • Stream: bump log4j-core to 2.13.3 (#368)
  • Stream: bump base-debian to 0.2.1 (#359)
  • Common: bump scala-forex to 1.0.0 (#349)
  • Common: bump scala-referer-parser to 1.1.0 (#348)
  • Common: bump scala-weather to 1.0.0 (#347)
  • Common: bump iglu-scala-client to 1.0.2 (#52)
  • Common: bump scala-maxmind-iplookups to 0.7.1 (#323)
  • Common: bump snowplow-badrows to 2.1.0 (#325)
  • Common: bump YAUAA to 5.19 (#314)
  • Common: bump postgresql to 42.2.16 (#369)
  • Common: bump jackson-databind to 2.10.5 (#367)
  • Common: bump to JDK 11 (#362)

Under the hood

  • Beam: use test Maxmind databases (#269)
  • Common: make assets publishing independent of each other (#373)
  • Common: disable formatting on compile (#358)
  • Common: add sbt publishLocal operation to test action (#357)
  • Common: replace deprecated constructors in EnrichedEventSpec (#354)
  • Common: improve unit tests coverage (#335)
  • Common: use test Maxmind databases (#350)
  • Common: move EnrichmentConf into its own module (#303)
  • Common: get rid of Eval instances (#300)
  • Common: add tests for Input for SQL enrichment (#316)
  • Stream: remove unused Maxmind database (#352)