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Releases: vapor/postgres-nio

PostgresNIO 1.20.1

30 Jan 14:30
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SemVer Patch

  • Add Sendable conformance to PostgresEncodingContext (#450)
  • Fix mishandling of SASL attribute parsing (#451)

SPI(ConnectionPool) changes

  • Fixes an availability issue for DiscardingTaskGroup on watchOS (#448, patch credit to @lovetodream)

PostgresNIO 1.20.0

12 Dec 17:21
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SemVer Minor

  • Support additional connection parameters (#361)

SPI(ConnectionPool) changes

  • Add test cancel connection request (#439)
  • Add tests to lease multiple connections at once (#440)
  • Add test to lease connection after shutdown has started (#441)
  • Add support for multiple streams (#442)
  • Fix crash in PoolStateMachine+ConnectionGroup when closing connection while keepAlive is running (#444, patch credit to @lovetodream)

PostgresNIO 1.19.1

10 Nov 18:19
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SPI(ConnectionPool) changes

  • Fixes Crash in ConnectionPoolStateMachine (#438)

Other Changes

  • Update (#434)

PostgresNIO 1.19.0

31 Oct 11:40
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What is better than one PostgresConnection? Multiple PostgresConnections! This is why PostgresNIO now features an experimental
PostgresClient that is backed by a new ConnectionPool implementation.

The new PostgresClient and its underlying ConnectionPool implementation are large new features that are in an early experimental stage. We encourage PostgresNIO users to try them and provide feedback. The implementation is so new, and the feature scope so large, that we don't make any API stability promises for PostgresClient yet; it is therefore exposed as an SPI import.

If you want to start playing with the new PostgresClient, start with a pattern like this:

@_spi(ConnectionPool) import PostgresNIO

let client = PostgresClient(configuration: configuration, logger: logger)
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) {
  taskGroup.addTask {
    // 🚨 The PostgresClient only works if its `run()` method is executed in a long-running task.
    // This ensures that all background work shall be executed in a way that plays 
    // nicely with structured concurrency.

  taskGroup.addTask {
    client.withConnection { connection in
      do {
        let rows = try await connection.query("SELECT userID, name, age FROM users;")
        for try await (userID, name, age) in rows.decode((UUID, String, Int).self) {
          // do something with the values
      } catch {
        // handle errors

We are currently working with the ServiceLifecycle maintainers to enable simple integration (however, we do not intend to depend on ServiceLifecycle directly).

If you run into any problems, please open a new Issue.

SPI(ConnectionPool) changes

SemVer Minor

  • Fix PostgresDecodable inference for RawRepresentable enums (#423, patch credit to @MahdiBM)
  • Remove warn-concurrency warnings (#408)
  • Update minimum Swift requirement to 5.7 (#414)

Other Changes

  • Update SSWG Graduation Level (#409)

PostgresNIO 1.18.1

29 Aug 16:13
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PostgresNIO 1.18.0 introduced an issue that could lead to Segmentation faults when using the Swift 5.8 compiler. This patch works around the underlying Swift compiler bug.

SemVer Patch

  • Fix Segmentation faults in Swift 5.8 (#406)

Other Changes

  • Improve the logo image used by the DocC catalog (#404)

PostgresNIO 1.18.0

28 Aug 08:37
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🚀 This PostgresNIO release adds a number of changes that allow users to fully embrace structured concurrency:

  1. Prepared statement async/await support
  2. Notification listen async/await support
  3. Users don't need to provide EventLoops when creating a connection

🚨 This release changes the behavior of PostgresConnection.close(). Before this release a call to close() triggered a graceful shutdown of the connection. This means that all previously enqueued queries got executed before the connection was closed. Starting with 1.18.0 close() leads to a direct connection closure cancelling the running and all queued queries. This change is necessary to get rid of connections to servers where the server stopped responding. The previous behavior can be achieved using the new closeGracefully() function on PostgresConnection.

SemVer Minor

  • Add async listen; Refactor all listen code (#264, #392)
  • Add PostgresDynamicTypeThrowingEncodable and PostgresDynamicTypeEncodable (#365, patch credit to @marius-se)
  • Use EventLoop provided by SwiftNIO's MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.singleton (#389, patch credit to @tkrajacic)
  • async/await prepared statement API (#390, patch credit to @mariosangiorgio)
  • close() closes immediately; Add new closeGracefully() (#383, #397, #400)

SemVer Patch

  • Use variadic generics in Swift 5.9 (#341)
  • Crash fix: Multiple bad messages could trigger reentrancy issue (#379)
  • Move PostgresFrontendMessage to tests (#381, #395, #399)
  • PostgresBackendMessage.ID should be backed by UInt8 directly (#386)
  • Remove PrepareStatementStateMachine (#391)
  • Fix a few inaccurate or confusing precondition failure messages (#398)

Other Changes

  • Fix multiple warnings generated by the documentation build (#378)
  • Typo: Storiage -> Storage (#387)
  • Use README header image compatible with light/dark mode (#393)

PostgresNIO 1.17.0

20 Jul 08:33
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SemVer Minor

  • Ensure PostgresConnection.Configuration.TLS is concurrency safe by making property disable computed (#376, patch credit to @sidepelican)

New Contributors

PostgresNIO 1.16.0

09 Jun 13:16
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Semver Minor

  • Add many, many missing types to PostgresDataType (#371)
  • Add PSQLError debugDescription (#372)

Full Changelog: 1.15.0...1.16.0

PostgresNIO 1.15.0

02 Jun 13:51
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SemVer Minor

  • Make PostgresCodable typealias public (#363)
  • Add support for int4range, int8range, int4range[], int8range[] (#330 by @rausnitz)

SemVer Patch

  • Decode .bpchar as String (#368)
  • Rename generic type from B to Bound in PostgresRange (#367)

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.14.2...1.15.0

PostgresNIO 1.14.2

04 May 17:24
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Address CVE-2023-31136 - PostgresNIO processes unencrypted bytes from man-in-the-middle. See the CVE-2023-31136 security advisory for details.

Thanks to PostgreSQL's Tom Lane <> for reporting this issue!