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Releases: grafana/mimir


20 Apr 20:32
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This release contains 2 PRs from 2 authors. Thank you!



Grafana Mimir

All changes in this release: mimir-2.7.1...mimir-2.7.2


18 Apr 13:59
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2.8.0-rc.0 Pre-release

This release contains 210 PRs from 53 authors, including new contributors Abdurrahman J. Allawala, Ashray Jain, Cyrill N, Daniel Barnes, Dave, David van der Spek, day4me, Devin Trejo, Dmitriy Okladin, Gabriel Santos, inbarpatashnik, Johannes Tandler, Julien Girard, KingJ, Miller, Rafał Boniecki, Raphael Ferreira, Raúl Marín, Ruslan Kovalov, Shagit Ziganshin, shanmugara, Wilfried ROSET. Thank you!

Grafana Mimir version 2.8.0-rc.0 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce version 2.8 of Grafana Mimir.

The highlights that follow include the top features, enhancements, and bugfixes in this release. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog.

Features and enhancements

  • Changed default value of block storage retention period The default value for -blocks-storage.tsdb.retention-period was 24h and now is 13h.
  • Query-frontend cached results now contain timestamp This allows Mimir to check if cached results are still valid based on current TTL configured for tenant. Results cached by previous Mimir version are used until they expire from cache, which can take up to 7 days. If you need to use per-tenant TTL sooner, please flush results cache manually.
  • Experimental support for using Redis as cache Mimir now can use Redis for caching results, chunks, index and metadata.
  • Experimental support for fetching secret from Vault for TLS configuration.

Helm chart improvements

The Grafana Mimir and Grafana Enterprise Metrics Helm chart is now released independently. See the Grafana Mimir Helm chart documentation.

Important changes

In Grafana Mimir 2.8 we have removed the following previously deprecated or experimental configuration options or metrics.

The following metrics have been removed cortex_bucket_store_series_get_all_duration_seconds, cortex_bucket_store_series_merge_duration_seconds,

The following configuration options are deprecated and will be removed in Grafana Mimir 2.10:

  • The CLI flag -blocks-storage.tsdb.max-tsdb-opening-concurrency-on-startup and its respective YAML configuration option tsdb.max_tsdb_opening_concurrency_on_startup.

The following experimental options and features are now stable:

  • Use protobuf internal query result payload format by default.

Bug fixes

  • Querier: Streaming remote read will now continue to return multiple chunks per frame after the first frame. PR 4423
  • Query-frontend: don't retry queries which error inside PromQL. PR 4643
  • Store-gateway & query-frontend: report more consistent statistics for fetched index bytes. PR 4671
  • Native histograms: fix how IsFloatHistogram determines if mimirpb.Histogram is a float histogram. PR 4706
  • Query-frontend: fix query sharding for native histograms. PR 4666



Grafana Mimir

  • [CHANGE] Ingester: changed experimental CLI flag from -out-of-order-blocks-external-label-enabled to -ingester.out-of-order-blocks-external-label-enabled #4440
  • [CHANGE] Store-gateway: The following metrics have been removed: #4332
    • cortex_bucket_store_series_get_all_duration_seconds
    • cortex_bucket_store_series_merge_duration_seconds
  • [CHANGE] Ingester: changed default value of -blocks-storage.tsdb.retention-period from 24h to 13h. If you're running Mimir with a custom configuration and you're overriding -querier.query-store-after to a value greater than the default 12h then you should increase -blocks-storage.tsdb.retention-period accordingly. #4382
  • [CHANGE] Ingester: the configuration parameter -blocks-storage.tsdb.max-tsdb-opening-concurrency-on-startup has been deprecated and will be removed in Mimir 2.10. #4445
  • [CHANGE] Query-frontend: Cached results now contain timestamp which allows Mimir to check if cached results are still valid based on current TTL configured for tenant. Results cached by previous Mimir version are used until they expire from cache, which can take up to 7 days. If you need to use per-tenant TTL sooner, please flush results cache manually. #4439
  • [CHANGE] Ingester: the cortex_ingester_tsdb_wal_replay_duration_seconds metrics has been removed. #4465
  • [CHANGE] Query-frontend and ruler: use protobuf internal query result payload format by default. This feature is no longer considered experimental. #4557 #4709
  • [CHANGE] Ruler: reject creating federated rule groups while tenant federation is disabled. Previously the rule groups would be silently dropped during bucket sync. #4555
  • [CHANGE] Compactor: the /api/v1/upload/block/{block}/finish endpoint now returns a 429 status code when the compactor has reached the limit specified by -compactor.max-block-upload-validation-concurrency. #4598
  • [CHANGE] Compactor: when starting a block upload the maximum byte size of the block metadata provided in the request body is now limited to 1 MiB. If this limit is exceeded a 413 status code is returned. #4683
  • [CHANGE] Store-gateway: cache key format for expanded postings has changed. This will invalidate the expanded postings in the index cache when deployed. #4667
  • [FEATURE] Cache: Introduce experimental support for using Redis for results, chunks, index, and metadata caches. #4371
  • [FEATURE] Vault: Introduce experimental integration with Vault to fetch secrets used to configure TLS for clients. Server TLS secrets will still be read from a file. tls-ca-path, tls-cert-path and tls-key-path will denote the path in Vault for the following CLI flags when -vault.enabled is true: #4446.
    • -distributor.ha-tracker.etcd.*
    • -distributor.ring.etcd.*
    • -distributor.forwarding.grpc-client.*
    • -ingester.client.*
    • -ingester.ring.etcd.*
    • -querier.frontend-client.*
    • -query-frontend.grpc-client-config.*
    • -query-frontend.results-cache.redis.*
    • -blocks-storage.bucket-store.index-cache.redis.*
    • -blocks-storage.bucket-store.chunks-cache.redis.*
    • -blocks-storage.bucket-store.metadata-cache.redis.*
    • -compactor.ring.etcd.*
    • -store-gateway.sharding-ring.etcd.*
    • -ruler.client.*
    • -ruler.alertmanager-client.*
    • -ruler.ring.etcd.*
    • -ruler.query-frontend.grpc-client-config.*
    • -alertmanager.sharding-ring.etcd.*
    • -alertmanager.alertmanager-client.*
    • -memberlist.*
    • -query-scheduler.grpc-client-config.*
    • -query-scheduler.ring.etcd.*
    • -overrides-exporter.ring.etcd.*
  • [FEATURE] Distributor, ingester, querier, query-frontend, store-gateway: add experimental support for native histograms. Requires that the experimental protobuf query result response format is enabled by -query-frontend.query-result-response-format=protobuf on the query frontend. #4286 #4352 #4354 #4376 #4377 #4387 #4396 #4425 #4442 #4494 #4512 #4513 #4526
  • [FEATURE] Added -<prefix> flag to configure the S3 storage class for objects written to S3 buckets. #4300
  • [FEATURE] Add freebsd to the target OS when generating binaries for a Mimir release. #4654
  • [FEATURE] Ingester: Add prepare-shutdown endpoint which can be used as part of Kubernetes scale down automations. #4718
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add timezone information to Alpine Docker images. #4583
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ruler: Sync rules when ruler JOINING the ring instead of ACTIVE, In order to reducing missed rule iterations during ruler restarts. #4451
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Allow to define service name used for tracing via JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME environment variable. #4394
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Querier and query-frontend: add experimental, more performant protobuf query result response format enabled with -query-frontend.query-result-response-format=protobuf. #4304 #4318 #4375
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: added experimental configuration parameter -compactor.first-level-compaction-wait-period, to configure how long the compactor should wait before compacting 1st level blocks (uploaded by ingesters). This configuration option allows to reduce the chances compactor begins compacting blocks before all ingesters have uploaded their blocks to the storage. #4401
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: use more efficient chunks fetching and caching. #4255
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend and ruler: add experimental, more performant protobuf internal query result response format enabled with -ruler.query-frontend.query-result-response-format=protobuf. #4331
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ruler: increased tolerance for missed iterations on alerts, reducing the chances of flapping firing alerts during ruler restarts. #4432
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Optimized .* and .+ regular expression label matchers. #4432
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Optimized regular expression label matchers with alternates (e.g. a|b|c). #4647
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added an in-memory cache for regular expression matchers, to avoid parsing and compiling the same expression multiple times when used in recurring queries. #4633
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: results cache TTL is now configurable by using -query-frontend.results-cache-ttl and -query-frontend.results-cache-ttl-for-out-of-order-time-window options. These values can also be specified per tenant. Default values are unchanged (7 days and 10 minutes respectively). #4385
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: added advanced configuration parameter -blocks-storage.tsdb.wal-replay-concurrency representing the maximum number of CPUs used during WAL replay. #4445
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: added metrics cortex_ingester_tsdb_open_duration_seconds_total to measure the total time it takes to open all existing TSDBs. T...
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16 Mar 16:39
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This release contains 177 PRs from 43 authors, including new contributors Bartosz Cisek, dggmsa, gmintoco, Ihor Urazov, James Ross, Jean-Philippe Quéméner, Jon Gutschon, l3ioo, lpugoy, Nicolás Pazos, Oscar, Reto Kupferschmid, ying-jeanne. Thank you!

Grafana Mimir version 2.7.1 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce version 2.7.1 of Grafana Mimir.

The highlights that follow include the top features, enhancements, and bugfixes in this release. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog.

Note: During the release process, version 2.7.0 was tagged too early, before completing the release checklist and production testing. Release 2.7.1 doesn't include any code changes since 2.7.0, but now has proper release notes, published documentation, and has been fully tested in our production environment.

Features and enhancements

  • Store-gateway streaming enabled by default The new default value of 5000 for -blocks-storage.bucket-store.batch-series-size enables store-gateway streaming in the default configuration. This means that series are loaded from object storage in batches rather than buffering them all in memory before returning to the querier. Enabling streaming can reduce memory utilization peaks in the store-gateway.
  • Store-gateway index header reader no longer uses mmap by default Along with streaming enabled in the store-gateway, this change contributes to more efficient memory usage. See the Important changes section for more details.
  • Support for keep_firing_for option to ruler configuration This new option determines the amount of time an alert should keep firing while the ruler expression doesn't return results.
  • More efficient chunks fetching and caching Enable with the new experimental feature flag -blocks-storage.bucket-store.chunks-cache.fine-grained-chunks-caching-enabled=true. This should reduce CPU, memory utilization, and receive bandwidth of a store-gateway.
  • Experimental query sharding improvements:
    A new configuration parameter, -query-frontend.query-sharding-target-series-per-shard, allows query sharding to take into account cardinality of similar requests executed previously when computing the maximum number of shards to use. If you want to try it out, we recommend starting with a value of 2500.
  • Experimental support for native histogram ingestion:
    Native histograms can now be ingested. The new per-tenant limit -ingester.native-histograms-ingestion-enabled controls whether native histograms are stored or ignored. The support for querying native histograms is not complete yet and it's expected to be available in the next release.

Alertmanager improvements

  • New metrics The following upstream metrics are now exposed:
    • cortex_alertmanager_dispatcher_aggregation_groups
    • cortex_alertmanager_dispatcher_alert_processing_duration_seconds

Helm chart improvements

The Grafana Mimir and Grafana Enterprise Metrics Helm chart is now released independently. See the Grafana Mimir Helm chart documentation.

Important changes

In Grafana Mimir 2.7, the default vaules of the following configuration options have changed:

  • -blocks-storage.bucket-store.batch-series-size is now enabled by default with a value of 5000.
  • -ruler.evaluation-delay-duration has changed from 0 to 1m.

In Grafana Mimir 2.7, the following configuration options are now deprecated:

  • -blocks-storage.bucket-store.chunks-cache.subrange-size since there's no benefit to changing the default of 16000
  • -blocks-storage.bucket-store.consistency-delay has been deprecated and will be removed in Mimir 2.9.
  • -compactor.consistency-delay has been deprecated and will be removed in Mimir 2.9.
  • -ingester.ring.readiness-check-ring-health has been deprecated and will be removed in Mimir 2.9.

In Grafana Mimir 2.7, the following options, metrics, and labels have been removed:

  • Experimental support for ephemeral storage introduced in Mimir 2.6.0 has been removed.
    • Following options are no longer available:
      • -blocks-storage.ephemeral-tsdb.*
      • -distributor.ephemeral-series-enabled
      • -distributor.ephemeral-series-matchers
      • -ingester.max-ephemeral-series-per-user
      • -ingester.instance-limits.max-ephemeral-series
    • The following metrics have been removed:
      • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series
      • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series_created_total
      • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series_removed_total
      • cortex_ingester_ingested_ephemeral_samples_total
      • cortex_ingester_ingested_ephemeral_samples_failures_total
      • cortex_ingester_memory_ephemeral_users
      • cortex_ingester_queries_ephemeral_total
      • cortex_ingester_queried_ephemeral_samples
      • cortex_ingester_queried_ephemeral_series
    • Additionally, querying using the {__mimir_storage__="ephemeral"} selector no longer works. All label values with the ephemeral- prefix within the reason label of the cortex_discarded_samples_total metric are no longer available.
  • The store-gateway default index header reader no longer uses mmap and the mmap-based index header reader has been removed. The following flags have been changed:
    • has been removed
    • has been removed
    • has been renamed to -blocks-storage.bucket-store.index-header.max-idle-file-handles, and the corresponding configuration file option has been renamed from stream_reader_max_idle_file_handles to max_idle_file_handles

Bug fixes

  • Store-gateway: return Canceled rather than Aborted or Internal error when the calling querier cancels a label names or values request, and return Internal if processing the request fails for another reason. PR 4061
  • Querier: track canceled requests with status code 499 in the metrics instead of 503 or 422. PR 4099
  • Ingester: compact out-of-order data during /ingester/flush or when TSDB is idle. PR 4180
  • Ingester: conversion of global limits max-series-per-user, max-series-per-metric, max-metadata-per-user and max-metadata-per-metric into corresponding local limits now takes into account the number of ingesters in each zone. PR 4238
  • Ingester: track cortex_ingester_memory_series metric consistently with cortex_ingester_memory_series_created_total and cortex_ingester_memory_series_removed_total. PR 4312
  • Querier: fixed a bug which was incorrectly matching series with regular expression label matchers with begin/end anchors in the middle of the regular expression. PR 4340



Grafana Mimir

  • [CHANGE] Ingester: the configuration parameter -ingester.ring.readiness-check-ring-health has been deprecated and will be removed in Mimir 2.9. #4422
  • [CHANGE] Ruler: changed default value of -ruler.evaluation-delay-duration option from 0 to 1m. #4250
  • [CHANGE] Querier: Errors with status code 422 coming from the store-gateway are propagated and not converted to the consistency check error anymore. #4100
  • [CHANGE] Store-gateway: When a query hits max_fetched_chunks_per_query and max_fetched_series_per_query limits, an error with the status code 422 is created and returned. #4056
  • [CHANGE] Packaging: Migrate FPM packaging solution to NFPM. Rationalize packages dependencies and add package for all binaries. #3911
  • [CHANGE] Store-gateway: Deprecate flag -blocks-storage.bucket-store.chunks-cache.subrange-size since there's no benefit to changing the default of 16000. #4135
  • [CHANGE] Experimental support for ephemeral storage introduced in Mimir 2.6.0 has been removed. Following options are no longer available: #4252
    • -blocks-storage.ephemeral-tsdb.*
    • -distributor.ephemeral-series-enabled
    • -distributor.ephemeral-series-matchers
    • -ingester.max-ephemeral-series-per-user
    • -ingester.instance-limits.max-ephemeral-series
      Querying with using {__mimir_storage__="ephemeral"} selector no longer works. All label values with ephemeral- prefix in reason label of cortex_discarded_samples_total metric are no longer available. Following metrics have been removed:
    • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series
    • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series_created_total
    • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series_removed_total
    • cortex_ingester_ingested_ephemeral_samples_total
    • cortex_ingester_ingested_ephemeral_samples_failures_total
    • cortex_ingester_memory_ephemeral_users
    • cortex_ingester_queries_ephemeral_total
    • cortex_ingester_queried_ephemeral_samples
    • cortex_ingester_queried_ephemeral_series
  • [CHANGE] Store-gateway: use mmap-less index-header reader by default and remove mmap-based index header reader. The following flags have changed: #4280
    • has been removed
    • has been removed
    • has been renamed to -blocks-storage.bucket-store.index-header.max-idle-file-handles, and the corresponding configuration file option has been renamed from stream_reader_max_idle_file_handles to max_idle_file_handles
  • [CHANGE] Store-gateway: the streaming store-gateway is now enabled by default. The new default setting for `-blocks-storage.bucket-store.batc...
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02 Feb 16:15
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This release contains 259 PRs from 40 authors, including new contributors breadly7, bubu11e, Đurica Yuri Nikolić, Felix Beuke, Jack, klagroix, Martin Chodur, Ørjan Ommundsen, Sascha Sternheim, Wu Zhiyuan. Thank you!

Grafana Mimir version 2.6.0 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce version 2.6 of Grafana Mimir.

The highlights that follow include the top features, enhancements, and bugfixes in this release. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog.

Features and enhancements

  • Lower memory usage in store-gateway by streaming series results
    The store-gateway can now stream results back to the querier instead of buffering them. This is expected to greatly reduce peak memory consumption while keeping latency the same. This is still an experimental feature but Grafana Labs is already running it in production and there's no known issue. This feature can be enabled setting the -blocks-storage.bucket-store.batch-series-size configuration option (if you want to try it out, we recommend you setting to 5000).

  • Improved stability in store-gateway by removing mmap usage
    The store-gateway can now use an alternate code path to read index-headers that does not use memory mapped files. This is expected to improve stability of the store-gateway. This is still an experimental feature but Grafana Labs is already running it in production and there's no known issue. This feature can be enabled setting

Alertmanager improvements

  • Webex support Alertmanager can now use Webex to send alerts.

  • tenantID template function A new template function tenantID, returning the ID of the tenant owning the alert, has been added.

  • grafanaExploreURL template function A new template function grafanaExploreURL, returning the URL to the Grafana explore page with range query, has been added.

Helm chart improvements

The Grafana Mimir and Grafana Enterprise Metrics Helm chart is now released independently. See the corresponding documentation for more information.

Important changes

In Grafana Mimir 2.6 we have removed the following previously deprecated or experimental configuration options:

  • The CLI flag -blocks-storage.bucket-store.max-concurrent-reject-over-limit and its respective YAML configuration option blocks_storage.bucket_store.max_concurrent_reject_over_limit.
  • The CLI flag -query-frontend.align-querier-with-step and its respective YAML configuration option frontend.align_querier_with_step.

The following configuration options are deprecated and will be removed in Grafana Mimir 2.8:

  • The CLI flag -store.max-query-length and its respective YAML configuration option limits.max_query_length have been replaced with -querier.max-partial-query-length and limits.max_partial_query_length.

The following experimental options and features are now stable:

  • The CLI flag -query-frontend.max-total-query-length and its respective YAML configuration option limits.max_total_query_length.
  • The CLI flags -distributor.request-rate-limit and -distributor.request-burst-limit and their respective YAML configuration options limits.request_rate_limit and limits.request_rate_burst.
  • The CLI flag -ingester.max-global-exemplars-per-user and its respective YAML configuration option limits.max_global_exemplars_per_user.
  • The CLI flag -ingester.tsdb-config-update-period its respective YAML configuration option ingester.tsdb_config_update_period.
  • The API endpoint /api/v1/query_exemplars.

Bug fixes

  • Alertmanager: Fix template spurious deletion with relative data dir. PR 3604
  • Security: Update prometheus/exporter-toolkit for CVE-2022-46146. PR 3675
  • Security: Update for CVE-2022-41717. PR 3755
  • Debian package: Fix post-install, environment file path and user creation. PR 3720
  • Memberlist: Fix panic during Mimir startup when Mimir receives gossip message before it's ready. PR 3746
  • Update to address issue with Multipart PUT on s3-compatible Object Storage. PR 3802 PR 3821
  • Querier: Canceled requests are no longer reported as "consistency check" failures. PR 3837 PR 3927
  • Distributor: Don't panic when metric_relabel_configs in overrides contains null element. PR 3868
  • Ingester, Compactor: Fix panic that can occur when compaction fails. PR 3955



Grafana Mimir

  • [CHANGE] Querier: Introduce -querier.max-partial-query-length to limit the time range for partial queries at the querier level and deprecate -store.max-query-length. #3825 #4017
  • [CHANGE] Store-gateway: Remove experimental -blocks-storage.bucket-store.max-concurrent-reject-over-limit flag. #3706
  • [CHANGE] Ingester: If shipping is enabled block retention will now be relative to the upload time to cloud storage. If shipping is disabled block retention will be relative to the creation time of the block instead of the mintime of the last block created. #3816
  • [CHANGE] Query-frontend: Deprecated CLI flag -query-frontend.align-querier-with-step has been removed. #3982
  • [FEATURE] Store-gateway: streaming of series. The store-gateway can now stream results back to the querier instead of buffering them. This is expected to greatly reduce peak memory consumption while keeping latency the same. You can enable this feature by setting -blocks-storage.bucket-store.batch-series-size to a value in the high thousands (5000-10000). This is still an experimental feature and is subject to a changing API and instability. #3540 #3546 #3587 #3606 #3611 #3620 #3645 #3355 #3697 #3666 #3687 #3728 #3739 #3751 #3779 #3839
  • [FEATURE] Alertmanager: Added support for the Webex receiver. #3758
  • [FEATURE] Limits: Added the -validation.separate-metrics-group-label flag. This allows further separation of the cortex_discarded_samples_total metric by an additional group label - which is configured by this flag to be the value of a specific label on an incoming timeseries. Active groups are tracked and inactive groups are cleaned up on a defined interval. The maximum number of groups tracked is controlled by the -max-separate-metrics-groups-per-user flag. #3439
  • [FEATURE] Overrides-exporter: Added experimental ring support to overrides-exporter via -overrides-exporter.ring.enabled. When enabled, the ring is used to establish a leader replica for the export of limit override metrics. #3908 #3953
  • [FEATURE] Ephemeral storage (experimental): Mimir can now accept samples into "ephemeral storage". Such samples are available for querying for a short amount of time (-blocks-storage.ephemeral-tsdb.retention-period, defaults to 10 minutes), and then removed from memory. To use ephemeral storage, distributor must be configured with -distributor.ephemeral-series-enabled option. Series matching -distributor.ephemeral-series-matchers will be marked for storing into ephemeral storage in ingesters. Each tenant needs to have ephemeral storage enabled by using -ingester.max-ephemeral-series-per-user limit, which defaults to 0 (no ephemeral storage). Ingesters have new -ingester.instance-limits.max-ephemeral-series limit for total number of series in ephemeral storage across all tenants. If ingestion of samples into ephemeral storage fails, cortex_discarded_samples_total metric will use values prefixed with ephemeral- for reason label. Querying of ephemeral storage is possible by using {__mimir_storage__="ephemeral"} as metric selector. Following new metrics related to ephemeral storage are introduced: #3897 #3922 #3961 #3997 #4004
    • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series
    • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series_created_total
    • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series_removed_total
    • cortex_ingester_ingested_ephemeral_samples_total
    • cortex_ingester_ingested_ephemeral_samples_failures_total
    • cortex_ingester_memory_ephemeral_users
    • cortex_ingester_queries_ephemeral_total
    • cortex_ingester_queried_ephemeral_samples
    • cortex_ingester_queried_ephemeral_series
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added new metric thanos_shipper_last_successful_upload_time: Unix timestamp (in seconds) of the last successful TSDB block uploaded to the bucket. #3627
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ruler: Added -ruler.alertmanager-client.tls-enabled configuration for alertmanager client. #3432 #3597
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Activity tracker logs now have component=activity-tracker label. #3556
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: remove labels with empty values #2439
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: track query HTTP requests in the Activity Tracker. #3561
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: Add experimental alternate implementation of index-header reader that does not use memory mapped files. The index-header reader is expected to improve stability of the store-gateway. You can enable this implementation with the flag #3639 #3691 #3703 #3742 #3785 #3787 #3797
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-scheduler: add cortex_query_scheduler_cancelled_requests_total metric to track the number of requests that are already cancelled when dequeued. #3696
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: add cortex_bucket_store_partitioner_extended_ranges_total metric to keep ...
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20 Jan 17:36
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2.6.0-rc.0 Pre-release

This release contains 255 PRs from 40 authors, including new contributors breadly7, bubu11e, Đurica Yuri Nikolić, Felix Beuke, Jack, klagroix, Martin Chodur, Ørjan Ommundsen, Sascha Sternheim, Wu Zhiyuan. Thank you!

Grafana Mimir version 2.6.0-rc.0 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce version 2.6.0-rc.0 of Grafana Mimir.

The highlights that follow include the top features, enhancements, and bugfixes in this release. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog.

Features and enhancements

  • Lower memory usage in store-gateway by streaming series results
    The store-gateway can now stream results back to the querier instead of buffering them. This is expected to greatly reduce peak memory consumption while keeping latency the same. This is still an experimental feature but Grafana Labs is already running it in production and there's no known issue. This feature can be enabled setting the -blocks-storage.bucket-store.batch-series-size configuration option (if you want to try it out, we recommend you setting to 5000).

  • Improved stability in store-gateway by removing mmap usage
    The store-gateway can now use an alternate code path to read index-headers that does not use memory mapped files. This is expected to improve stability of the store-gateway. This is still an experimental feature but Grafana Labs is already running it in production and there's no known issue. This feature can be enabled setting

Alertmanager improvements

  • Webex support Alertmanager can now use Webex to send alerts.

  • tenantID template function A new template function tenantID, returning the ID of the tenant owning the alert, has been added.

  • grafanaExploreURL template function A new template function grafanaExploreURL, returning the URL to the Grafana explore page with range query, has been added.

Helm chart improvements

The Grafana Mimir and Grafana Enterprise Metrics Helm chart is now released independently. See the corresponding documentation for more information.

Important changes

In Grafana Mimir 2.6 we have removed the following previously deprecated or experimental configuration options:

  • The CLI flag -blocks-storage.bucket-store.max-concurrent-reject-over-limit and its respective YAML configuration option blocks_storage.bucket_store.max_concurrent_reject_over_limit.
  • The CLI flag -query-frontend.align-querier-with-step and its respective YAML configuration option frontend.align_querier_with_step.

The following configuration options are deprecated and will be removed in Grafana Mimir 2.8:

  • The CLI flag -store.max-query-length and its respective YAML configuration option limits.max_query_length have been replaced with -querier.max-partial-query-length and limits.max_partial_query_length.

The following experimental options and features are now stable:

  • The CLI flag -query-frontend.max-total-query-length and its respective YAML configuration option limits.max_total_query_length.
  • The CLI flags -distributor.request-rate-limit and -distributor.request-burst-limit and their respective YAML configuration options limits.request_rate_limit and limits.request_rate_burst.
  • The CLI flag -ingester.max-global-exemplars-per-user and its respective YAML configuration option limits.max_global_exemplars_per_user.
  • The CLI flag -ingester.tsdb-config-update-period its respective YAML configuration option ingester.tsdb_config_update_period.
  • The API endpoint /api/v1/query_exemplars.

Bug fixes

  • Alertmanager: Fix template spurious deletion with relative data dir. PR 3604
  • Security: Update prometheus/exporter-toolkit for CVE-2022-46146. PR 3675
  • Security: Update for CVE-2022-41717. PR 3755
  • Debian package: Fix post-install, environment file path and user creation. PR 3720
  • Memberlist: Fix panic during Mimir startup when Mimir receives gossip message before it's ready. PR 3746
  • Update to address issue with Multipart PUT on s3-compatible Object Storage. PR 3802 PR 3821
  • Querier: Canceled requests are no longer reported as "consistency check" failures. PR 3837 PR 3927
  • Distributor: Don't panic when metric_relabel_configs in overrides contains null element. PR 3868
  • Ingester, Compactor: Fix panic that can occur when compaction fails. PR 3955



Grafana Mimir

  • [CHANGE] Querier: Introduce -querier.max-partial-query-length to limit the time range for partial queries at the querier level and deprecate -store.max-query-length. #3825 #4017
  • [CHANGE] Store-gateway: Remove experimental -blocks-storage.bucket-store.max-concurrent-reject-over-limit flag. #3706
  • [CHANGE] Ingester: If shipping is enabled block retention will now be relative to the upload time to cloud storage. If shipping is disabled block retention will be relative to the creation time of the block instead of the mintime of the last block created. #3816
  • [CHANGE] Query-frontend: Deprecated CLI flag -query-frontend.align-querier-with-step has been removed. #3982
  • [FEATURE] Store-gateway: streaming of series. The store-gateway can now stream results back to the querier instead of buffering them. This is expected to greatly reduce peak memory consumption while keeping latency the same. You can enable this feature by setting -blocks-storage.bucket-store.batch-series-size to a value in the high thousands (5000-10000). This is still an experimental feature and is subject to a changing API and instability. #3540 #3546 #3587 #3606 #3611 #3620 #3645 #3355 #3697 #3666 #3687 #3728 #3739 #3751 #3779 #3839
  • [FEATURE] Alertmanager: Added support for the Webex receiver. #3758
  • [FEATURE] Limits: Added the -validation.separate-metrics-group-label flag. This allows further separation of the cortex_discarded_samples_total metric by an additional group label - which is configured by this flag to be the value of a specific label on an incoming timeseries. Active groups are tracked and inactive groups are cleaned up on a defined interval. The maximum number of groups tracked is controlled by the -max-separate-metrics-groups-per-user flag. #3439
  • [FEATURE] Overrides-exporter: Added experimental ring support to overrides-exporter via -overrides-exporter.ring.enabled. When enabled, the ring is used to establish a leader replica for the export of limit override metrics. #3908 #3953
  • [FEATURE] Ephemeral storage (experimental): Mimir can now accept samples into "ephemeral storage". Such samples are available for querying for a short amount of time (-blocks-storage.ephemeral-tsdb.retention-period, defaults to 10 minutes), and then removed from memory. To use ephemeral storage, distributor must be configured with -distributor.ephemeral-series-enabled option. Series matching -distributor.ephemeral-series-matchers will be marked for storing into ephemeral storage in ingesters. Each tenant needs to have ephemeral storage enabled by using -ingester.max-ephemeral-series-per-user limit, which defaults to 0 (no ephemeral storage). Ingesters have new -ingester.instance-limits.max-ephemeral-series limit for total number of series in ephemeral storage across all tenants. If ingestion of samples into ephemeral storage fails, cortex_discarded_samples_total metric will use values prefixed with ephemeral- for reason label. Querying of ephemeral storage is possible by using {__mimir_storage__="ephemeral"} as metric selector. Following new metrics related to ephemeral storage are introduced: #3897 #3922 #3961 #3997 #4004
    • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series
    • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series_created_total
    • cortex_ingester_ephemeral_series_removed_total
    • cortex_ingester_ingested_ephemeral_samples_total
    • cortex_ingester_ingested_ephemeral_samples_failures_total
    • cortex_ingester_memory_ephemeral_users
    • cortex_ingester_queries_ephemeral_total
    • cortex_ingester_queried_ephemeral_samples
    • cortex_ingester_queried_ephemeral_series
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added new metric thanos_shipper_last_successful_upload_time: Unix timestamp (in seconds) of the last successful TSDB block uploaded to the bucket. #3627
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ruler: Added -ruler.alertmanager-client.tls-enabled configuration for alertmanager client. #3432 #3597
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Activity tracker logs now have component=activity-tracker label. #3556
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: remove labels with empty values #2439
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: track query HTTP requests in the Activity Tracker. #3561
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: Add experimental alternate implementation of index-header reader that does not use memory mapped files. The index-header reader is expected to improve stability of the store-gateway. You can enable this implementation with the flag #3639 #3691 #3703 #3742 #3785 #3787 #3797
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-scheduler: add cortex_query_scheduler_cancelled_requests_total metric to track the number of requests that are already cancelled when dequeued. #3696
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: add `cortex_bucket_store_partitioner_ex...
Read more


14 Dec 15:34
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This release contains 230 PRs from 43 authors, including new contributors Aldo D'Aquino, Anıl Mısırlıoğlu, Charles Korn, Danny Staple, Dylan Crees, Eduardo Silvi, FG, Jesse Weaver, KarlisAG, Leegin-darknight, Rohan Kumar, Wille Faler, Y.Horie, manohar-koukuntla, paulroche, songjiayang, Éamon Ryan. Thank you!

Grafana Mimir version 2.5 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce version 2.5 of Grafana Mimir.

The highlights that follow include the top features, enhancements, and bugfixes in this release. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog.

Features and enhancements

  • Alertmanager Discord support
    Alertmanager can now be configured to send alerts in Discord channels.

  • Configurable TLS minimum version and cipher suites
    We added the flags -server.tls-min-version and -server.tls-cipher-suites that can be used to define the minimum TLS version and the supported cipher suites in all HTTP and gRPC servers in Mimir.

  • Lower memory usage in store-gateway, ingester and alertmanager
    We made various changes related to how index lookups are performed and how the active series custom trackers are implemented, which results in better performance and lower overall memory usage in the store-gateway and ingester.
    We also optimized the alertmanager, which results in a 50% reduction in memory usage in use cases with larger numbers of tenants.

  • Improved Mimir dashboards
    We added two new dashboards named Mimir / Overview resources and Mimir / Overview networking. Furthermore, we have made various improvements to the following existing dashboards:

    • Mimir / Overview: Add "remote read", "metadata", and "exemplar" queries.
    • Mimir / Writes: Add optional row about the distributor's new forwarding feature.
    • Mimir / Tenants: Add insights into the read path.

Helm chart improvements

  • Zone aware replication
    Helm now supports deploying the ingesters and store-gateways as different availability zones. The replication is also zone-aware, therefore multiple instances of one zone can fail without any service interruption and roll outs can be performed faster because many instances of each zone can be restarted together, as opposed to them all restarting in sequence.

    This is a breaking change, for details on how to upgrade please review the Helm changelog.

  • Running without root privileges
    All Mimir, GEM and Agent processes now don't require root privileges to run anymore.

  • Unified reverse proxy (gateway) configuration for Mimir and GEM
    This change allows for an easier upgrade path from Mimir to GEM, without any downtime. The unified configuration also makes it possible to autoscale the GEM gateway pods and it supports OpenShift Route. The change also deprecates the nginx section in the configuration. The section will be removed in release 7.0.0.

  • Updated MinIO
    The MinIO sub-chart was updated from 4.x to 5.0.0, note that this update inherits a breaking change because the MinIO gateway mode was removed.

  • Updated sizing plans
    We updated our sizing plans to make them reflect better how we recommend running Mimir and GEM in production. Note that this includes a breaking change for users of the "small" plan, more details can be found in the Helm changelog.

  • Various quality of life improvements

    • Rollout strategies without downtime
    • Read path and compactor configuration refresh, providing better default settings
    • OTLP ingestion support in the Nginx configuration
    • A default configuration for alertmanager, so the user interface and the sending of alerts from the ruler works out of the box

Bug fixes

  • Flusher: Added Overrides as a dependency to prevent panics when starting with -target=flusher. PR 3151
  • Query-frontend: properly close gRPC streams to the query-scheduler to stop memory and goroutines leak. PR 3302
  • Ruler: persist evaluation delay configured in the rulegroup. PR 3392
  • Fix panics in OTLP ingest path when parse errors occur. PR 3538



Grafana Mimir

  • [CHANGE] Flag -azure.msi-resource is now ignored, and will be removed in Mimir 2.7. This setting is now made automatically by Azure. #2682
  • [CHANGE] Experimental flag -blocks-storage.tsdb.out-of-order-capacity-min has been removed. #3261
  • [CHANGE] Distributor: Wrap errors from pushing to ingesters with useful context, for example clarifying timeouts. #3307
  • [CHANGE] The default value of -server.http-write-timeout has changed from 30s to 2m. #3346
  • [CHANGE] Reduce period of health checks in connection pools for querier->store-gateway, ruler->ruler, and alertmanager->alertmanager clients to 10s. This reduces the time to fail a gRPC call when the remote stops responding. #3168
  • [CHANGE] Hide TSDB block ranges period config from doc and mark it experimental. #3518
  • [FEATURE] Alertmanager: added Discord support. #3309
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added -server.tls-min-version and -server.tls-cipher-suites flags to configure cipher suites and min TLS version supported by HTTP and gRPC servers. #2898
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: Add age filter to forwarding functionality, to not forward samples which are older than defined duration. If such samples are not ingested, cortex_discarded_samples_total{reason="forwarded-sample-too-old"} is increased. #3049 #3113
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: Reduce memory allocation when generating ids in index cache. #3179
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: truncate queries based on the configured creation grace period (--validation.create-grace-period) to avoid querying too far into the future. #3172
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: Reduce activity tracker memory allocation. #3203
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: Log more detailed information in the case of a failed query. #3190
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added -usage-stats.installation-mode configuration to track the installation mode via the anonymous usage statistics. #3244
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: Add new cortex_compactor_block_max_time_delta_seconds histogram for detecting if compaction of blocks is lagging behind. #3240 #3429
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: reduced the memory footprint of active series custom trackers. #2568
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: Include X-Scope-OrgId header in requests forwarded to configured forwarding endpoint. #3283 #3385
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alertmanager: reduced memory utilization in Mimir clusters with a large number of tenants. #3309
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add experimental flag -shutdown-delay to allow components to wait after receiving SIGTERM and before stopping. In this time the component returns 503 from /ready endpoint. #3298
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Go: update to go 1.19.3. #3371
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: added RulerRemoteEvaluationFailing alert, firing when communication between ruler and frontend fails in remote operational mode. #3177 #3389
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Clarify which S3 signature versions are supported in the error "unsupported signature version". #3376
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: improved index header reading performance. #3393 #3397 #3436
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: improved performance of series matching. #3391
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Move the validation of incoming series before the distributor's forwarding functionality, so that we don't forward invalid series. #3386 #3458
  • [ENHANCEMENT] S3 bucket configuration now validates that the endpoint does not have the bucket name prefix. #3414
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: added "fetched index bytes" to query statistics, so that the statistics contain the total bytes read by store-gateways from TSDB block indexes. #3206
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: push wrapper should only receive unforwarded samples. #2980
  • [BUGFIX] Flusher: Add Overrides as a dependency to prevent panics when starting with -target=flusher. #3151
  • [BUGFIX] Updated dependency to fix CVE-2022-32149. #3285
  • [BUGFIX] Query-frontend: properly close gRPC streams to the query-scheduler to stop memory and goroutines leak. #3302
  • [BUGFIX] Ruler: persist evaluation delay configured in the rulegroup. #3392
  • [BUGFIX] Ring status pages: show 100% ownership as "100%", not "1e+02%". #3435
  • [BUGFIX] Fix panics in OTLP ingest path when parse errors exist. #3538


  • [CHANGE] Alerts: Change MimirSchedulerQueriesStuck for time to 7 minutes to account for the time it takes for HPA to scale up. #3223
  • [CHANGE] Dashboards: Removed the Querier > Stages panel from the Mimir / Queries dashboard. #3311
  • [CHANGE] Configuration: The format of the autoscaling section of the configuration has changed to support more components. #3378
    • Instead of specific config variables for each component, they are listed in a dictionary. For example, autoscaling.querier_enabled becomes autoscaling.querier.enabled.
  • [FEATURE] Dashboards: Added "Mimir / Overview resources" dashboard, providing an high level view over a Mimir cluster resources utilization. #3481
  • [FEATURE] Dashboards: Added "Mimir / Overview networking" dashboard, providing an high level view over a Mimir cluster network bandwidth, inflight requests and TCP connections. #3487
  • [FEATURE] Compile baremetal mixin along k8s mixin. #3162 #3514
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: Add MimirRingMembersMismatch firing when a component does not have the expected number of running jobs. #2404
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: Add optional row about the Distributor's metric forwarding feature ...
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30 Nov 23:30
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2.5.0-rc.0 Pre-release

This release contains 227 PRs from 43 authors, including new contributors Aldo D'Aquino, Anıl Mısırlıoğlu, Charles Korn, Danny Staple, Dylan Crees, Eduardo Silvi, FG, Jesse Weaver, KarlisAG, Leegin-darknight, Rohan Kumar, Wille Faler, Y.Horie, manohar-koukuntla, paulroche, songjiayang, Éamon Ryan. Thank you!

Grafana Mimir version 2.5.0-rc.0 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce version 2.5.0-rc.0 of Grafana Mimir.

The highlights that follow include the top features, enhancements, and bugfixes in this release. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog.

Features and enhancements

  • Alertmanager Discord support
    Alertmanager can now be configured to send alerts in Discord channels.

  • Configurable TLS minimum version and cipher suites
    We added the flags -server.tls-min-version and -server.tls-cipher-suites that can be used to define the minimum TLS version and the supported cipher suites in all HTTP and gRPC servers in Mimir.

  • Lower memory usage in store-gateway, ingester and alertmanager
    We made various changes related to how index lookups are performed and how the active series custom trackers are implemented, which results in better performance and lower overall memory usage in the store-gateway and ingester.
    We also optimized the alertmanager, which results in a 50% reduction in memory usage in use cases with larger numbers of tenants.

  • Improved Mimir dashboards
    We added two new dashboards named Mimir / Overview resources and Mimir / Overview networking. Furthermore, we have made various improvements to the following existing dashboards:

    • Mimir / Overview: Add "remote read", "metadata", and "exemplar" queries.
    • Mimir / Writes: Add optional row about the distributor's new forwarding feature.
    • Mimir / Tenants: Add insights into the read path.

Helm chart improvements

  • Zone aware replication
    Helm now supports deploying the ingesters and store-gateways as different availability zones. The replication is also zone-aware, therefore multiple instances of one zone can fail without any service interruption and roll outs can be performed faster because many instances of each zone can be restarted together, as opposed to them all restarting in sequence.

    This is a breaking change, for details on how to upgrade please review the Helm changelog.

  • Running without root privileges
    All Mimir, GEM and Agent processes now don't require root privileges to run anymore.

  • Unified reverse proxy (gateway) configuration for Mimir and GEM
    This change allows for an easier upgrade path from Mimir to GEM, without any downtime. The unified configuration also makes it possible to autoscale the GEM gateway pods and it supports OpenShift Route. The change also deprecates the nginx section in the configuration. The section will be removed in release 7.0.0.

  • Updated MinIO
    The MinIO sub-chart was updated from 4.x to 5.0.0, note that this update inherits a breaking change because the MinIO gateway mode was removed.

  • Updated sizing plans
    We updated our sizing plans to make them reflect better how we recommend running Mimir and GEM in production. Note that this includes a breaking change for users of the "small" plan, more details can be found in the Helm changelog.

  • Various quality of life improvements

    • Rollout strategies without downtime
    • Read path and compactor configuration refresh, providing better default settings
    • OTLP ingestion support in the Nginx configuration
    • A default configuration for alertmanager, so the user interface and the sending of alerts from the ruler works out of the box

Bug fixes

  • Flusher: Added Overrides as a dependency to prevent panics when starting with -target=flusher. PR 3151
  • Query-frontend: properly close gRPC streams to the query-scheduler to stop memory and goroutines leak. PR 3302
  • Ruler: persist evaluation delay configured in the rulegroup. PR 3392
  • Fix panics in OTLP ingest path when parse errors occur. PR 3538



Grafana Mimir

  • [CHANGE] Flag -azure.msi-resource is now ignored, and will be removed in Mimir 2.7. This setting is now made automatically by Azure. #2682
  • [CHANGE] Experimental flag -blocks-storage.tsdb.out-of-order-capacity-min has been removed. #3261
  • [CHANGE] Distributor: Wrap errors from pushing to ingesters with useful context, for example clarifying timeouts. #3307
  • [CHANGE] The default value of -server.http-write-timeout has changed from 30s to 2m. #3346
  • [CHANGE] Reduce period of health checks in connection pools for querier->store-gateway, ruler->ruler, and alertmanager->alertmanager clients to 10s. This reduces the time to fail a gRPC call when the remote stops responding. #3168
  • [CHANGE] Hide TSDB block ranges period config from doc and mark it experimental. #3518
  • [FEATURE] Alertmanager: added Discord support. #3309
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added -server.tls-min-version and -server.tls-cipher-suites flags to configure cipher suites and min TLS version supported by HTTP and gRPC servers. #2898
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: Add age filter to forwarding functionality, to not forward samples which are older than defined duration. If such samples are not ingested, cortex_discarded_samples_total{reason="forwarded-sample-too-old"} is increased. #3049 #3113
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: Reduce memory allocation when generating ids in index cache. #3179
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: truncate queries based on the configured creation grace period (--validation.create-grace-period) to avoid querying too far into the future. #3172
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: Reduce activity tracker memory allocation. #3203
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: Log more detailed information in the case of a failed query. #3190
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added -usage-stats.installation-mode configuration to track the installation mode via the anonymous usage statistics. #3244
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: Add new cortex_compactor_block_max_time_delta_seconds histogram for detecting if compaction of blocks is lagging behind. #3240 #3429
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: reduced the memory footprint of active series custom trackers. #2568
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: Include X-Scope-OrgId header in requests forwarded to configured forwarding endpoint. #3283 #3385
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alertmanager: reduced memory utilization in Mimir clusters with a large number of tenants. #3309
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add experimental flag -shutdown-delay to allow components to wait after receiving SIGTERM and before stopping. In this time the component returns 503 from /ready endpoint. #3298
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Go: update to go 1.19.3. #3371
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: added RulerRemoteEvaluationFailing alert, firing when communication between ruler and frontend fails in remote operational mode. #3177 #3389
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Clarify which S3 signature versions are supported in the error "unsupported signature version". #3376
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: improved index header reading performance. #3393 #3397 #3436
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: improved performance of series matching. #3391
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Move the validation of incoming series before the distributor's forwarding functionality, so that we don't forward invalid series. #3386 #3458
  • [ENHANCEMENT] S3 bucket configuration now validates that the endpoint does not have the bucket name prefix. #3414
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: added "fetched index bytes" to query statistics, so that the statistics contain the total bytes read by store-gateways from TSDB block indexes. #3206
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: push wrapper should only receive unforwarded samples. #2980
  • [BUGFIX] Flusher: Add Overrides as a dependency to prevent panics when starting with -target=flusher. #3151
  • [BUGFIX] Updated dependency to fix CVE-2022-32149. #3285
  • [BUGFIX] Query-frontend: properly close gRPC streams to the query-scheduler to stop memory and goroutines leak. #3302
  • [BUGFIX] Ruler: persist evaluation delay configured in the rulegroup. #3392
  • [BUGFIX] Ring status pages: show 100% ownership as "100%", not "1e+02%". #3435
  • [BUGFIX] Fix panics in OTLP ingest path when parse errors exist. #3538


  • [CHANGE] Alerts: Change MimirSchedulerQueriesStuck for time to 7 minutes to account for the time it takes for HPA to scale up. #3223
  • [CHANGE] Dashboards: Removed the Querier > Stages panel from the Mimir / Queries dashboard. #3311
  • [CHANGE] Configuration: The format of the autoscaling section of the configuration has changed to support more components. #3378
    • Instead of specific config variables for each component, they are listed in a dictionary. For example, autoscaling.querier_enabled becomes autoscaling.querier.enabled.
  • [FEATURE] Dashboards: Added "Mimir / Overview resources" dashboard, providing an high level view over a Mimir cluster resources utilization. #3481
  • [FEATURE] Dashboards: Added "Mimir / Overview networking" dashboard, providing an high level view over a Mimir cluster network bandwidth, inflight requests and TCP connections. #3487
  • [FEATURE] Compile baremetal mixin along k8s mixin. #3162 #3514
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: Add MimirRingMembersMismatch firing when a component does not have the expected number of running jobs. #2404
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: Add optional row about the Distributor's metric ...
Read more


28 Oct 13:00
Choose a tag to compare

This release contains 190 PRs from 29 authors, including new contributors Fayzal Ghantiwala, Furkan Türkal, Joe Blubaugh, Justin Lei, Nicolas DUPEUX, Paul Puschmann, Radu Domnu, Shubham Ranjan. Thank you!

Grafana Mimir version 2.4.0 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce version 2.4 of Grafana Mimir.

The highlights that follow include the top features, enhancements, and bugfixes in this release. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog.

Note: If you are upgrading from Grafana Mimir 2.3, review the list of important changes that follow.

Features and enhancements

  • Query-scheduler ring-based service discovery:
    The query-scheduler is an optional, stateless component that retains a queue of queries to execute, and distributes the workload to available queriers. The use the query-scheduler, query-frontends and queriers are required to discover the addresses of the query-scheduler instances.

    In addition to DNS-based service discovery, Mimir 2.4 introduces the ring-based service discovery for the query-scheduler. When enabled, the query-schedulers join their own hash ring (similar to other Mimir components), and the query-frontends and queriers discover query-scheduler instances via the ring.

    Ring-based service discovery makes it easier to set up the query-scheduler in environments where you can't easily define a DNS entry that resolves to the running query-scheduler instances. For more information, refer to query-scheduler configuration.

  • New API endpoint exposes per-tenant limits:
    Mimir 2.4 introduces a new API endpoint, which is available on all Mimir components that load the runtime configuration. The endpoint exposes the limits of the authenticated tenant. You can use this new API endpoint when developing custom integrations with Mimir that require looking up the actual limits that are applied on a given tenant. For more information, refer to Get tenant limits.

  • New TLS configuration options:
    Mimir 2.4 introduces new options to configure the accepted TLS cipher suites, and the minimum versions for the HTTP and gRPC clients that are used between Mimir components, or by Mimir to communicate to external services such as Consul or etcd.

    You can use these new configuration options to override the default TLS settings and meet your security policy requirements. For more information, refer to Securing Grafana Mimir communications with TLS.

  • Maximum range query length limit:
    Mimir 2.4 introduces the new configuration option -query-frontend.max-total-query-length to limit the maximum range query length, which is computed as the query's end minus start timestamp. This limit is enforced in the query-frontend and defaults to -store.max-query-length if unset.

    The new configuration option allows you to set different limits between the received query maximum length (-query-frontend.max-total-query-length) and the maximum length of partial queries after splitting and sharding (-store.max-query-length).

The following experimental features have been promoted to stable:

Helm chart improvements

The mimir-distributed Helm chart is the best way to install Mimir on Kubernetes. As part of the Mimir 2.4 release, we’re also releasing version 3.2 of the mimir-distributed Helm chart.

Notable enhancements follow. For the full list of changes, see the Helm chart changelog.

  • Added support for topologySpreadContraints.
  • Replaced the default anti-affinity rules with topologySpreadContraints for all components which puts less restrictions on where Kubernetes can run pods.
  • Important: if you are not using the sizing plans (small.yaml, large.yaml, capped-small.yaml, capped-large.yaml) in production, you must reintroduce pod affinity rules for the ingester and store-gateway. This also fixes a missing label selector for the ingester.
    Merge the following with your custom values file:
            - labelSelector:
                  - key: target
                    operator: In
                      - ingester
              topologyKey: ""
            - labelSelector:
                  - key:
                    operator: In
                      - ingester
              topologyKey: ""
            - labelSelector:
                  - key: target
                    operator: In
                      - store-gateway
              topologyKey: ""
            - labelSelector:
                  - key:
                    operator: In
                      - store-gateway
              topologyKey: ""
  • Updated the anti affinity rules in the sizing plans (small.yaml, large.yaml, capped-small.yaml, capped-large.yaml). The sizing plans now enforce that no two pods of the ingester, store-gateway, or alertmanager StatefulSets are scheduled on the same Node. Pods from different StaatefulSets can share a Node.
  • Support for Openshift Route resource for nginx has been added.

Important changes

In Grafana Mimir 2.4, the default values of the following configuration options have changed:

  • -distributor.remote-timeout has changed from 20s to 2s.
  • -distributor.forwarding.request-timeout has changed from 10s to 2s.
  • -blocks-storage.tsdb.head-compaction-concurrency has changed from 5 to 1.
  • The hash-ring heartbeat period for distributors, ingesters, rulers, and compactors has increased from 5s to 15s.

In Grafana Mimir 2.4, the following deprecated configuration options have been removed:

  • The YAML configuration option limits.active_series_custom_trackers_config.
  • The CLI flag -ingester.ring.join-after and its respective YAML configuration option ingester.ring.join_after.
  • The CLI flag -querier.shuffle-sharding-ingesters-lookback-period and its respective YAML configuration option querier.shuffle_sharding_ingesters_lookback_period.

With Grafana Mimir 2.4, the anonymous usage statistics tracking is enabled by default.
Mimir maintainers use this anonymous information to learn more about how the open source community runs Mimir and what the Mimir team should focus on when working on the next features and documentation improvements.
If possible, we ask you to keep the usage reporting feature enabled.
In case you want to opt-out from anonymous usage statistics reporting, refer to Disable the anonymous usage statistics reporting.

Bug fixes

  • PR 2979: Fix remote write HTTP response status code returned by Mimir when failing to write only to one ingester (the quorum is still honored when running Mimir with the default replication factor of 3) and some series are not ingested because of validation errors or some limits being reached.
  • PR 3005: Fix the querier to re-balance its workers connections when a query-frontend or query-scheduler instance is terminated.
  • PR 2963: Fix the remote read endpoint to correctly support the Accept-Encoding: snappy HTTP request header.



Grafana Mimir

  • [CHANGE] Distributor: change the default value of -distributor.remote-timeout to 2s from 20s and -distributor.forwarding.request-timeout to 2s from 10s to improve distributor resource usage when ingesters crash. #2728 #2912
  • [CHANGE] Anonymous usage statistics tracking: added the value. #2981
  • [CHANGE] Series metadata HELP that is longer than -validation.max-metadata-length is now truncated silently, instead of being dropped with a 400 status code. #2993
  • [CHANGE] Ingester: changed default setting for -ingester.ring.readiness-check-ring-health from true to false. #2953
  • [CHANGE] Anonymous usage statistics tracking has been enabled by default, to help Mimir maintainers make better decisions to support the open source community. #2939 #3034
  • [CHANGE] Anonymous usage statistics tracking: added the minimum and maximum value of -ingester.out-of-order-time-window. #2940
  • [CHANGE] The default hash ring heartbeat period for distributors, ingesters, rulers an...
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17 Oct 09:49
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2.4.0-rc.1 Pre-release

This release contains 8 PRs from 2 authors. Thank you!



Grafana Mimir

  • [BUGFIX] Fix distributor from returning a 500 status code when a 400 was received from the ingester. #3211
  • [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect OS value set in Mimir v2.3.* RPM packages. #3221

All changes in this release: mimir-2.4.0-rc.0...mimir-2.4.0-rc.1


07 Oct 14:18
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2.4.0-rc.0 Pre-release

This release contains 166 PRs from 29 authors. Thank you!

Grafana Mimir version 2.4.0-rc.0 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce version 2.4 of Grafana Mimir.

The highlights that follow include the top features, enhancements, and bugfixes in this release. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog.

Note: If you are upgrading from Grafana Mimir 2.3, review the list of important changes that follow.

Features and enhancements

  • Query-scheduler ring-based service discovery: The query-scheduler is an optional, stateless component that retains a queue of queries to execute, and distributes the workload to available queriers. The use the query-scheduler, query-frontends and queriers are required to discover the addresses of the query-scheduler instances.

    In addition to DNS-based service discovery, Mimir 2.4 introduces the ring-based service discovery for the query-scheduler. When enabled, the query-schedulers join their own hash ring (similar to other Mimir components), and the query-frontends and queriers discover query-scheduler instances via the ring.

    Ring-based service discovery makes it easier to set up the query-scheduler in environments where you can’t easily define a DNS entry that resolves to the running query-scheduler instances. For more information, refer to query-scheduler configuration.

  • New API endpoint exposes per-tenant limits: Mimir 2.4 introduces a new API endpoint, which is available on all Mimir components that load the runtime configuration. The endpoint exposes the limits of the authenticated tenant. You can use this new API endpoint when developing custom integrations with Mimir that require looking up the actual limits that are applied on a given tenant. For more information, refer to Get tenant limits.

    New TLS configuration options: Mimir 2.4 introduces new options to configure the accepted TLS cipher suites, and the minimum versions for the HTTP and gRPC clients that are used between Mimir components, or by Mimir to communicate to external services such as Consul or etcd.

    You can use these new configuration options to override the default TLS settings and meet your security policy requirements. For more information, refer to Securing Grafana Mimir communications with TLS.

  • Maximum range query length limit: Mimir 2.4 introduces the new configuration option -query-frontend.max-total-query-length to limit the maximum range query length, which is computed as the query’s end minus start timestamp. This limit is enforced in the query-frontend and defaults to -store.max-query-length if unset.

    The new configuration option allows you to set different limits between the received query maximum length (-query-frontend.max-total-query-length) and the maximum length of partial queries after splitting and sharding (-store.max-query-length).

Helm chart improvements

The mimir-distributed Helm chart is the best way to install Mimir on Kubernetes. As part of the Mimir 2.4 release, we’re also releasing version 3.2 of the mimir-distributed Helm chart.

Notable enhancements follow. For the full list of changes, see the Helm chart changelog.

  • Added support for topologySpreadContraints.

  • Replaced the default anti-affinity rules with topologySpreadContraints for all components which puts less restrictions on where Kubernetes can run pods.

  • Important: if you are not using the sizing plans (small.yaml, large.yaml, capped-small.yaml, capped-large.yaml) in production, you must reintroduce pod affinity rules for the ingester and store-gateway. This also fixes a missing label selector for the ingester. Merge the following with your custom values file:

            - labelSelector:
                  - key: target
                    operator: In
                      - ingester
              topologyKey: ""
            - labelSelector:
                  - key:
                    operator: In
                      - ingester
              topologyKey: ""
            - labelSelector:
                  - key: target
                    operator: In
                      - store-gateway
              topologyKey: ""
            - labelSelector:
                  - key:
                    operator: In
                      - store-gateway
              topologyKey: ""
  • Updated the anti affinity rules in the sizing plans (small.yaml, large.yaml, capped-small.yaml, capped-large.yaml). The sizing plans now enforce that no two pods of the ingester, store-gateway, or alertmanager StatefulSets are scheduled on the same Node. Pods from different StaatefulSets can share a Node.

  • Support for Openshift Route resource for nginx has been added.

Important changes

In Grafana Mimir 2.4, the default values of the following configuration options have changed:

  • -distributor.remote-timeout has changed from 20s to 2s.
  • -distributor.forwarding.request-timeout has changed from 10s to 2s.
  • -blocks-storage.tsdb.head-compaction-concurrency has changed from 5 to 1.
  • The hash-ring heartbeat period for distributors, ingesters, rulers, and compactors has increased from 5s to 15s.

With Grafana Mimir 2.4, the anonymous usage statistics tracking is enabled by default. Mimir maintainers use this anonymous information to learn more about how the open source community runs Mimir and what the Mimir team should focus on when working on the next features and documentation improvements. If possible, we ask you to keep the usage reporting feature enabled. In case you want to opt-out from anonymous usage statistics reporting, refer to Disable the anonymous usage statistics reporting.

Bug fixes

  • PR 2979: Fix remote write HTTP response status code returned by Mimir when failing to write only to one ingester (the quorum is still honored when running Mimir with the default replication factor of 3) and some series are not ingested because of validation errors or some limits being reached.
  • PR 3005: Fix the querier to re-balance its workers connections when a query-frontend or query-scheduler instance is terminated.
  • PR 2963: Fix the remote read endpoint to correctly support the Accept-Encoding: snappy HTTP request header.



Grafana Mimir

  • [CHANGE] Distributor: change the default value of -distributor.remote-timeout to 2s from 20s and -distributor.forwarding.request-timeout to 2s from 10s to improve distributor resource usage when ingesters crash. #2728 #2912
  • [CHANGE] Anonymous usage statistics tracking: added the value. #2981
  • [CHANGE] Series metadata HELP that is longer than -validation.max-metadata-length is now truncated silently, instead of being dropped with a 400 status code. #2993
  • [CHANGE] Ingester: changed default setting for -ingester.ring.readiness-check-ring-health from true to false. #2953
  • [CHANGE] Anonymous usage statistics tracking has been enabled by default, to help Mimir maintainers make better decisions to support the open source community. #2939 #3034
  • [CHANGE] Anonymous usage statistics tracking: added the minimum and maximum value of -ingester.out-of-order-time-window. #2940
  • [CHANGE] The default hash ring heartbeat period for distributors, ingesters, rulers and compactors has been increased from 5s to 15s. Now the default heartbeat period for all Mimir hash rings is 15s. #3033
  • [CHANGE] Reduce the default TSDB head compaction concurrency (-blocks-storage.tsdb.head-compaction-concurrency) from 5 to 1, in order to reduce CPU spikes. #3093
  • [CHANGE] Ruler: the ruler's remote evaluation mode (-ruler.query-frontend.address) is now stable. #3109
  • [CHANGE] Limits: removed the deprecated YAML configuration option active_series_custom_trackers_config. Please use active_series_custom_trackers instead. #3110
  • [CHANGE] Ingester: removed the deprecated configuration option -ingester.ring.join-after. #3111
  • [CHANGE] Querier: removed the deprecated configuration option -querier.shuffle-sharding-ingesters-lookback-period. The value of `-querier.query...
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